On falling apart

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It was dark in this hallway, the shadows creeping along the walls providing the perfect hiding place for the excess demons absolutely anxious to take a long run across the hallway. The shadows convulsed, demons moving around in the darkness.

I couldn’t see it, of course.

Over a hundred excited voices is enough to get the point through.

The demons sat myself down in the darkness of the hallway- an empty hallway full of unused rooms. My body watched on as the demons ran around, almost frolicking like happy children.

It was moments like this that I really regretted this ability.

It had helped me closer to my friends- but it had caused me so much pain.

Plus, these demons were only overpowered, angry, sadistic children.

They were just kids.

Listening to them scamper around the empty hallway made me sort of sad. The only thing they could be was a bad memory in a vessel that despised them.

The occasional kick to the head or a limb jammed into my side sobered me.

I had spent maybe fifteen minutes running in circles in solitary confinement, and then another twenty letting the crazy demons run free.

In that twenty minutes, I felt something I usually didn’t feel until I had moved asylums.

I pushed open the box containing me- shoving Boldan down until I was certain it was safe.

I opened my eyes, looking around the empty hallway filled with moving shadows and frolicking demons.

Almost immediately, a demon sprung up in front of me.

It was pitch black like all the others, but it had two heads planted on long necks, melting into a blob of some sort that consequently melted into the shadows covering the floor. Each of its four eyes glowed a green that I recognized.

This was Percy’s demon.

It lunged forwards, engulfing me and throwing me into Percy’s past again.

Percy leaned against the side of a building, smoking a cigarette and running his hands through his scruffy black hair.

“Ey, Percy.” A voice called out. Percy looked over to the source of the voice, scanning the darkness of the alleyway he stood in.

Two figures appeared in the lamplight, sinister- no, mischievous faces smirking in his direction.

“Connor, Travis.” Percy greeted, taking a drag on his cigarette and dropping it, stamping out the hot ash with the toe of his boot. These boys were clearly twins, the smirk identical on either face, brown curly hair in a mess over a freckled face. The boys walked up to Percy, but Percy held his hands up, the fingerless motorcycle gloves facing them.

“More than an arms length away this time.” He admonished. “You took my wallet again. The old man was not happy.” He growled. The twin boys fidgeted, uncomfortable under the gangster’s menacing stare.

“Do you have it?” One of them asked. Percy nodded.

The boy handed a bag of something over to the twins, and they snatched it away with quick fingers, opening it up and inspecting it. A bag of white powder resided inside- clearly drugs of some kind. The boys smiled again, that smile that meant nothing good could come of these boys.

“Hand it over.” Percy demanded. They looked up at him with a confused expression- until Percy scowled, upon which the one on the left dug something out of his jacket pocket.

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