On Spencer's past and epidemics

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I began to wonder if Rachel was only schizophrenic. She didn't really have any feelings.

"I know that," I admitted. When she looked at me quizzically, I shrugged unsympathetically and muttered, "Just a reoccurring nightmare."

"It won't be just you," Rachel spoke up suddenly, looking over to Spencer's curtained bed.

"What?" I whispered, following her gaze.

"This place is full of secrets, Jordan." Rachel said cryptically. "The people you think you know- there's usually something else to learn." She carried on- her words not making any sense whatsoever to my frazzled brain.

One of the problems of schizophrenia is that our thoughts- I say our because Rachel is schizophrenic as well- don't go in a straight line like normal people.

They're all over the place- almost like ADD, but worse...? It's hard to explain.

It's why I talk to the sky. It's impossible to sort things out in the head already full of pain and doubt.

"Be careful." Rachel said simply, reaching out to lay a hand on my shoulder but stopping halfway there- a conflicted look on her face. Her pale hand dropped to her side, and she shook her head.

I watched her turn around, her mission accomplished, forgetting about me.

After this run in, I was beginning to wonder if Rachel was a bit of a sociopath.

Clearly, emotions didn't come naturally to her.

Shaking that strange encounter off, my eyes wandered back over to Spencer's hospital bed, feeling concerned and a little scared.

I clearly remembered Nico pinning me to the wall with ease.

I doubted Spencer stood a chance against Nico- especially if Nico had caught him by surprise.

"Dr. Athena?" I called hesitantly, leaning against a bed, my eyes still stuck on the curtain hiding an important part of my past from me. Athena waved Apollo over to me, busy with the shifty eyed patient that was currently being forced into a straightjacket.

I think she had bitten one of the nurses- and was trying to bite others.

Apollo approached me slowly- moving much too slow for my impatient mood.

"Can I see him?" I asked- before he even made his way over to me. Apollo eyed me- gauging me with the same hesitant expression that Rachel and Athena had.

"Spencer?" Apollo clarified. I nodded, my eyes drifting back to the area I wished to infiltrate. Apollo sighed, guiding me to the other side of the curtain, where the nurse pulled back the curtain, allowing me inside and following behind me.

I took in a breath as my eyes landed on Spencer.

He had a bruise over one eye, and there were scratch marks across his arms.

The thing that concerned me was the bruises around his neck. Distinctly finger shaped bruises.

It reminded of the memories I'd never forget.

I was too sick to fall into a flashback, but Spencer's past had never left my mind.

It was fairly impossible to forget.

Spencer has Dissociative Identity Disorder- also known as Multiple Personality. I get along very well with at least three of his personalities. The other two are difficult to handle. Technically- as he tells me- they've all got different names. But- unlike the majority of DID patients- because Spencer remembers everything that happens between switching personalities, it's easier to call them all by Spencer.

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