Chapter 1

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~ Regulus Black ~

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news, I was actually rather disappointed, my daily entertainment ended. James Potter have given up on Lily Evans. It was all over school. It wasn't surprising, James, Remus, Peter and my brother are very popular in this school. They're known for their pranks and such.

"So he seriously gave up?" I asked my classmate who was a Ravenclaw, she was a pureblood so my parents and other Slytherin students wouldn't care, her name was, Pandora Smith. We were sitting in our history class, with Professor Binns just yapping away about the school stuff in 1812.

"Yes seriously, he didn't even acknowledge Evans when he walked by her in the halls today. I didn't believe it until I saw that, so it has to be true," Pandora told.

"Wow, I can't believe that James Fleamont Potter have finally given up on Lily Evans, or as he would call her-,"

"Future Mrs. Potter," Pandora and I said at the same time. We both started to laugh slightly together, I don't really act like this around other people because I had to be mature. But Pandora is like my secret best friend, I know it's weird to have a secret best friend but it's great, I get all the gossips from her, so it's awesome.

"I'm definitely going to miss Potter making a fool out of himself," Pandora laughed.

"Please, knowing my brother, Potter's still going to do something rubbish but just, the only difference is that he won't get hexed," I shrugged.

"Yeah but him getting hexed is the best part of the whole making a fool of himself Regulus," Pandora whined, I quietly chuckled.

"Hey, Black, stop talking to your girlfriend and pay attention," A voice from behind me hissed. I glanced at the row behind me, it was Gilderoy Lockhart, an annoying Ravenclaw student.

"She's not my girlfriend Lockhart," I hissed, Lockhart just grinned and pretended to be scared.

"You sure act like she is, ogling her from time to time," Lockhart teased.

"What the hell are you talking about? She's a friend," I snapped.

"Yeah, besides, I have a boyfriend," Pandora snapped, Lockhart laughed.

"Yeah, him," he teased.

"No, Xenophilius Lovegood," Pandora huffily told.

"The freak! Oh please! Why would you go out with him! He's the stupidest Ravenclaw ever!" Lockhart cackled.

"Really? Cause I thought I was looking at the stupidest Ravenclaw ever right now," Pandora glared at him.

"Oh yeah sure," Lockhart chuckled, his teasing voice, and the words he was throwing around made me want to punch him but then-

"Back off Lockhart because we all know I could hex you into oblivion," another voice snapped. I swung my head around and spotted Dirk Cresswell, a Slytherin student. He's not a friend of mine but we occasionally talk. Lockhart immediately shut up after that.

"Thanks," I mouthed to Dirk, he shrugged and looked away with a small smile. I know it's weird, Slytherins acting that way, but to be honest, most of us are just scared of our parents, I have high respect for my mother because of what she does to Sirius, and the way she has no remorse for my brother shows how she feels about us. However, when she's not around, I'll act like a normal person, I just want to have fun but I'm careful around other people as well.

The bell rung letting everyone know that the period was over, Pandora stood up beside me and we walked out of class. Pandora and I quietly talked but acted like we didn't know each other. Like I said, secret best friends. The corridors began to empty slowly, until there was only a few students left. That was when Pandora and I began to ease up. I spotted a certain raven haired boy, with black circle rimmed glasses, he wore a Gryffindor uniform, his hair was a mess, as always.

"I uh- I gotta go," I told, Pandora nodded her head as I quickly caught up with Potter.

"Hey Potter!" I called out, he stopped in his track and looked around. I waved to make sure he knew it was me.

"Hey mini Black," Potter teased, I hated it when he called me that.

"Don't call me that," I scoffed, he simply laughed.

"What's up baby Black?" Potter grinned, completely ignoring the fact that I told him not to call me that, I gave him an annoyed look. "Didn't call you mini Black, I called you baby Black,". I rolled my eyes at the sly way he used.

"I uh- I heard you gave up on Evans," I started, his amused, teasing face hardened. I was scared that I crossed the line.

"Y-yeah, y'know she's never going to go for a guy like me, so yeah," Potter shrugged.

"Y'know, I could help you, I mean, get you on Evans' good side," I suggested, Potter burst out laughing at my offer, am I annoyed? Yes, yes I am.

"What makes you think you know more about girls than I do?" Potter asked with his cockiness and ego clear in his tone.

"Well, just the fact that I've been on dates before but since you've been pining over Evans, you clearly haven't," I sassed, Potter stared at me with utter shock. I couldn't blame him, I don't usually go around sassing people.

"Baby Black got some mouth, who knew," James joked once he regained control of his mindset I'm assuming.

"I knew, so did Sirius. Anyways, are you going to take up on my offer or not?" I asked, James seemed to be thinking about it, but in the end, his answer wasn't what I wanted him to say,

"No, look, I appreciate the offer but, I'm just- I'm over her, or at least I'm trying to be, sorry baby Black," James shrugged.

"Stop calling me baby Black," I grimaced, Potter grinned and clearly was about to say something but then Sirius showed up out of nowhere.

"Hey James - oh - what do you want?" Sirius asked with a cold tone.

"N-nothing, d-don't worry about i-it," I stammered,

"Well I'm not worried but the fact that you're talking to one of my best mates makes me wonder," Sirius cocked his brows upwards. Potter seemed a bit uncomfortable being there.

"I uh- gotta go, um bye,". I quickly walked off. He've been like that for a while and it's upsetting, I mean- we're brothers for merlin's sake. But then again, he ran away without saying goodbye, without asking me if I was okay. He doesn't care.

"What were you talking about?" I heard Sirius ask, but then I heard James respond with, "Never mind it but uh, did you know he's very witty?". I walked away before I could hear the whole conversation.

Well so much for helping him get the girl.

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