Chapter 4

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Harry walked in the room. His belongings were already there. He sat on the bed and looked around. The bed was comfortable, and the room wasn't bad. Well, actually, it was the best room he had ever had, or got to stay in, as long as he could remember.

He started unpacking and put his clothes away. There wasn't much. And he would try his best to wear the best clothes he had for as long as he could. For entertainment, he didn't have anything other than the family album Hagrid had given him, his school books and a book Hermione got him which he had already read

He took out his album and went through it a few times, wondering what living with his parents would feel like and wished that he could experience it, even only once.

At 5.55pm, he got out of his room and went down to the kitchen. Snape was bringing plates and utensils out to the table. Toppy was in the kitchen getting the last of the dinner done.

"Come in, Potter !" - Snape said impatiently.

Harry quickly sat down on the opposite seat that Snape had sat in and the dinner was brought out. They had chicken, mashed potato, green peas and salad. Harry waited for Snape to get his food first before serving himself so that Snape could get all he wanted. Then Harry got what he wanted, but it wasn't much. He only ate as much as a 7 or 8 year old, if he tried really, really hard. His stomach always got upset a while after he ate and sometimes it made him throw up. It was the same during the school year, but at least there was no one there to monitor his eating. Now he was staying with Snape and didn't know if he would say anything. But surely the man didn't care about him, right ?! Then there's no worry. Like during the school year, he tried his best to eat as much as he could to gain weight because when he came back to his relatives' house, he would be starved.

They ate silently. Harry had an arm around his plate to make sure it wouldn't be taken away. Halfway through the meal, Harry felt a signal from his full bladder. He wanted to go but he was worried that if he went he would have to leave the meal and wouldn't get to finish it. He wanted to eat. So he just sat there, squirming and trying to focus on his eating.

Severus was eating when he glanced up at Harry and saw the boy moving around in his seat. At first, he didn't know what the boy was doing. Then he saw his hand sneaked down and grabbed something and gave it a quick squeeze. Ahh! The boy needed to use the bathroom. Then why didn't he go ?

" Potter, do you need the toilet ?"

Harry looked up immediately. How could the man know ?

"No, sir"

Severus was shocked. The boys clearly needed it. Then why did he deny it ?

"Potter, I do not tolerate lying. And you clearly need to go"

"I'm sorry,sir" - Harry said looking down

"Go, now"

The boy hopped off his chair and ran to the downstairs bathroom. Severus watched him with a calculating look. Why didn't the boy ask ?

After a few minutes, Harry came back, standing at the doorway, suddenly interested in the floor.

"Potter, came in and finish your dinner. Then we'll have a talk" - Snape said impatiently

"Yes, sir"

Harry quickly ate his dinner. Then Snape magically spelled the plates back to the sink and beckoned Harry to follow him to the sitting room.

"Potter, while you're staying here, you have to follow my rules" - Snape said after they had settled down.

"You're to keep your room tidy. Do not enter the rooms that are locked. You can go flying in the yard but do not cross the wards. Be nice to Toppy and do not have an attitude or raise your voice at me. Is that understood ?

"Yes, sir "

"Your bedtime tonight is 9.30pm. It's only for tonight and I'll think of another one for the rest of your summer"

"Yes, sir"

"Any questions ?"

Harry thought for a few seconds. What about chores ? How was he supposed to earn his keep ?

"What about chores, sir ?"

"What?! You really think that I'd let you do that. You could ruin my house"

"I can do it sir. I have been doing chores since a very young age. At least that way I can earn my keep."

What?!!! What is the brat talking about ? Was the boy that lazy that his relatives had to use that argument so that the boy would keep his room clean ?

"No, Potter, I have a house elf. Just keep your room clean. Now, we have another thing to talk about"

"Yes, sir" - Harry said quietly

"Why didn't you ask when you needed the toilet ?"

Harry blushed, he didn't want to talk about it.

"I didn't realize it sir"

"You're lying"

"Sorry, sir"

"Want to tell the truth now ?" - Snape said in a warning tone

"I wasn't allowed to ask for what I knew I wouldn't get, sir"

"What do you mean ?"

"It's just I knew I wouldn't be allowed so there was no point of asking, sir "

"Potter, using the bathroom is natural. Everyone does that. I apologize that I refused you that when we were in the car. I didn't think you really needed it"

Harry stared at the man in shock. His teacher, the hated Potions Professor had just apologized to him !

"Yes, sir"

"I want you to go when you need, and do not wait until the last minute. You can ask to be excused if we are eating. Am i clear ?"

"Yes, sir"

"Then, that's it, you can go"

Harry walked back into his room and took out his Quidditch book and read it again.

Severus was downstairs thinking. What did the boy mean when he said he was not allowed to ask ?

"Toppy "

"Yes, Master Severus Snape calls Toppy ?"

"Listen, I want you to keep an eye on Mr.Potter. If there's anything strange or important, I want you to inform me, but do not let him know, ok ?"

"Yes, Toppy's got it, Master !" - Toppy said happily then disappeared with a pop.

Harry got ready for bed at 9.15. At 9.25, Snape knocked on his door.

"Come in"

Snape walked in and eyed Harry, who was in his pajamas.

"It's time you went to bed, Potter "

"Yes, sir" - Harry said and climbed in bed. It was really comfortable, at least Snape didn't put him in a cupboard.

"Sleep well, Potter"

Wow ! That was nice of Snape, or at least civil.

"Goodnight, professor"

Snape turned off the lights and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

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