Chapter 9

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A  Christmas present for you guys !!
Note: In my story, Severus Snape wasn't the one delivering the prophecy. It was an unknown Death Eater. Also, there is no Hocruxes. There is only Voldemort's fragile soul somewhere out there.
Enjoy !

As soon as they flooed home, Severus unshrunk the bags of the items they had just brought.

"Ok, Harry, I'm going to call the Healer now" - Severus took a pendant which was connected to a chain around his neck from under his shirt. It was in the shape of a white doe. He then kneeled down in front of Harry.

"You see this pendant here? I'm going to hold it in my hand and said 'Healer Mark Williams'"

The pendant glowed softly and turned back to normal. Harry waited curiously. After a minute the floo flared and Harry jumped. Mark stepped out of it and Severus stood up to greet the man.

"Hello, Severus, nice to meet you again, hope you're doing well" - Mark said warmly.

Severus only nodded his head. They all knew the reason Severus called him here.

Then Mark kneeled down in front of Harry.

"Well, what a young man you have here!"

"Hello, sir, I'm Harry" - Harry said shyly and shook Mark's hand.

"You're very well-mannered, Harry. But just call me Mark, please". He wanted Harry to feel comfortable around him if they wanted the check-up to go well.

Severus handed Harry the bags.

"Ok, Harry, now please bring these upstairs to your room and come back down, ok?" - Severus said - "By the way, you can bring you new stuffed animal down here." - He added. He knew Harry was going to need a lot of comfort.

"So you got him to tell you then ?" - Mark asked Severus once Harry was out of earshot.

"Yes, this morning, with a lot of his tears involved"

"That's completely expected"

"Mark, how he was treated was unacceptable. And he was sexually abused"

Mark's eyes widened.

"To what extend?"

"Not sure, he only said he had been touched by his uncle"

"I'll check it later"

"Be discreet though, or it might bring flashbacks and scare him"

Mark nodded as Harry walked down the stairs carefully, holding his stuffed giraffe close to his chest. He walked to stand in front of professor Snape and Mark.

Mark kneeled down in front of Harry. He was a qualified healer in all fields and he was good at pediatrics since his wife was a pediatrician. He knew how to soothe children, get their attention and help them calm down and comfortable for their check-up.

"Hi, young man. You've got yourself a nice little friend there" - Mark said gesturing at the stuffed toy.

"I know, Professor Snape bought it for me" - Harry said giving him a shy smile.

Mark said warmly. Then he reached inside his robe and pulled out a shrunken bag, unshrunk it and pulled out a children hospital gown and a pair of pajama bottoms. He handed them to Harry.

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