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Jacob rested his eyelids on eachother listening to his father..
"Well something peculiar happened... or I mean...someone peculiar happened." Chris slowly slid his fingers within his son's hair and murmured:"The Boy was... peculiar... from the moment he entered the world."
"You mean like me?!." Jacob spat out.
Chris' smile faded and put the book away , saying :" What?!. No . You're not peculiar."
"I am dad.. I'm peculiar and really strange. Everyone calls me a weirdo in school!.."
Chris rolled his eyes,letting his breath out.
He settled down beside his son, on bed softly caressing his arm..
"They call me foreyes or a nerd! Ugh.!" Jacob groaned.
Chris wanted to say something when his son spat out again :" I'm clumsy and i have asthma ! What could be even worst?!"
Chris slowly wrapped his arm around his son saying:"You're not weird,son.. They're strange if they do this to you.!"
"It's not just that,dad.."
Chris crawled beside his son, laying down:" Then what is it?."
"Secrets aren't supposed to be told.." Jacob whispered.
Chris raised his eyebrow :" Even to your father?."
"Dad..! Just tell the story.. Maybe I'll give you my secret then!." Jacob said with a huge smile on his lips, showing off his teeth.
"Oh really !? A grown man like you wants me to tell him a story?! Okay.!"
Chris teased laughing.

"It's not because of that

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"It's not because of that.. Stories remind me of my mom.." Jacob murmured as his grinn slowly faded.
Chris cleared his throat as he saw Jacob staring deeply at a photo of him and his mother.
"You know it's time to sleep, isn't it?." Chris asked and slowly stood up so he can leave the room .
He turned off the light and the only light in the room was the light yellow nightlamp .
Chris closed the door behind him while he left .
Jacob could stare at the photo for hours..
Memories hurt.
The fact that she wasn't there anymore.
But still, Jacob stared as his pupils shaked and tried so hard to move the frame..
But the only thing that happened,was that frame falled.
"Shit. Not again!. I screwed up.." He thought.

The lady with her blonde hair in a messy bun walked from aside to another distressfully talking on her phone.
"Okay! Okay! I'll do it.."
She stopped walking as soon as she saw her little boy walking down the stairs with his blond hair fuzzed and the teddy bear in his hands .
His lips were pursed as If he was trying hard not to cry.
"I'll call you later.." Scarlet spat out and hung up .
She quickly put away the phone and knelt down in front of her son, holding his hands.
"You okay, baby?" She asked looking into Noor's eyes.
Noor had his mother's blonde hair and dead father's ice blue eyes.
His face was softly structured and he had this bad feeling and fear of something terrible being on the way.
"No..I had a nightmare, again." He answered with a shake in his voice ; A fear running through his words ..
Scarlett slowly wrapped her arms around his waist rasing him in her arms and putting her hands under his legs , whispering relaxly :" It was just a nightmare .."
She slowly walked up the stairs , entering Noor's room.
She layed Noor down on his bed caressing his soft hair ..
"I saw the bad guys,mom.." He finally stuttered explaining .
Scarlett raised her eyebrow and let her breath out .
"They took me , mom.. You were running after us.." Noor explained while his fists shook everything he spat out a word about his nightmare.
"It wasn't a nightmare,mom! I saw it.."
Scarlett held Noor's hand whispering:" Hey , Hey .. No one can take you away from me ; No one ."
Noor didn't seem that sure ..
So he continued :" You hit my car toy while you were running .. Your foot hurt , mom.."
"My foot is okay , Noor . It was just a nightmare baby .." Scarlett whispered and left a kiss on Noor's forhead .
"They took me inside a black van.. And then a big building..I couldn't see you anymore mom.!"
Noor suddenly wrapped his hands around his mother's neck as If she could disappear in matter of seconds and his fists shook even worst slowly letting tears fall in complete silence.
Scarlett closed her eyes embracing her son , whispering :" Hey, Hey it's okay.. Stop crying..."
"You kept calling my name but they took me away.." Noor murmured as his cheeky face became redder and warmer..
Scarlett slowly bended her neck upper , saying :" Hey, let's play a game."
"What game?"
"Thinking good game, huh?" Scarlett showed her son a heartwarming teeth showing smile .
Noor let his breath out, slowly closing his eyes .
"You remember that one time we went to the park?" Scarlett twirled a blond hairbund of Noor's hair softly around her finger, caressing his head with the other hand..
"Uhum.." Noor answered while he was trying to act calm and his eyelids were shaking ..
"Then we layed down on the grass and looked up at the sky ; The clouds.."
Scarlett softly touched her son's forhead with her thumb ..
"Will we go to the park, again?" Noor pleaded .
"Why not?.. Then we'll play there .. For now just relax.."
Scarlett said , slowly getting out of the blanket and pulling it on her son instead .
She put his teddy In his arms leaving another kiss on his forhead as If it was the last .
She left the room , laying on the couch in the living room, trying hard not to sleep so she can think of what she'll do for her job but she couldn't and found herself , hardly opening her eyes and being even more exhausted after hours of sleep .
The house was completely silence and there was a misty sound of the wind outside making the curtains perform a slow dance .
Scarlett got up walking towards the hallway so she can check on her son .
She went into his room , opening the door , facing the fact that Noor wasn't there .
For a moment, her heart dropped then she remembered that he may be at the bathroom .
"Noor!.." She called and knocked at the bathroom door ; No answer .
She opened the door facing the second fact that Noor wasn't in the bathroom too .
She slowly felt her breaths getting heavier .
"Noor.." She called again ; This time, shaking .
She faster walked out of the bathroom in the hallway .
"Mom!!" Noor's scream echoed through the hallway .
Scarlett panicked , she ran and hardly hit his foot on something and stopped bending down pressing her ankle ; Car toy ?!.
She felt trapped ..
She felt miserable and even hard at Breathing .
She ran after the direction his voice got heard from and ran down the stairs ; Her loud step sounds weren't the only miserable sound in the house now ; Noor's cries for help .
She heard rain drops hardly punching the ceiling and clouds sobbing .
She opened outside's door with a lots of pressure , letting her breaths out , still feeling out of breath .
She ran under the crying clouds, with nothing covering her feet .
No shoes ..
Nothing .
Her feet touched muddy wet ground , running after the black van , Noor told her about before.
She stepped in small and big muddy holes on the ground and screamed :" Noor !."
Sky groaned once again .
Scarlett broke in tears as the raindrops caressed her cheeks and eyes ..
They always calmed her down..
Now they felt like a heavy weight that could kneel her down .
She ran after the van while the ground was wet and too slippy she could've fallen but she didn't care..
She kept running, hopelessly screaming knowing she can't reach the van .
"Noor!" She screamed for the last time, seeing her son's shadow punching the back window , squeaking mom..
She finally slipped and knelt down on her knees and broke into tears letting them burn her cold face ..
She screamed ، she clutched her nails at her cheeks maybe even leaving small scars on her skin, as If she was numb and she felt no pain ..
"Noor was gone.."
She thought again crying and hopelessly laying down there ...
That night passed painfully..
Each second passed such as a year ..
She was on the ground ..
Laying on the muds as the tears and raindrops crawled down her face on her neck ..
She closed her eyes ..
Was there any hope left ?

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