"Punishment or Reward"

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Harry's POV:
I finally found his house ; I was gonna get in trouvle because of him and he ran away !?..
But I was happy now . There were different kids in street that knew him and his adress . Now , I was there ; Infront of a big house .
I let my breath out and tiptoed till the door ..
It was already unlocked ?!.
I opened it , entered the house ..
I couldn't call it a house anymore..
There was a street kid sitting in the corner , holding his own arms in cold with a coat on .
The house was messy , coats and boxes around everywhere .
Where was he ?!..
I walked in and asked the little boy :" Um have you seen Tommo ?!"
The Boy murmured with a shake in his voice :" Upstairs ?.."
Without any hesitation , I ran up the stairs to achieve a door .

Lou's POV :
I was relaxing on my chair , in the rooftop , staring at the stars showing off  their light behind the dark clouds .
I heard a sudden knock in the door .
I stood up and slowly picked my stick off the ground so if it was the police or anyone unwanted I could hit them ..
When suddenly , I heard him :" Would you open the door ?!."
It was the same guy I met at that alley .
I slowly lowered my stick and half-opened the door .
Seeing him , he had his same curly brown hair and weirdly green eyes .
He widened them realizing I opened the door and I sighed :" How'd you find me ?!."
"It shouldn't confuse you when the whole town kids know you and where you live .!" He shrugged .
"You'll have to help me .. Please .." He pleaded .
As soon as I heard the word "Help" , I rolled my eyes and pushed the door spitting out a goodnight !.
But he didn't let me and pushed more and his muscular arms defeated him so good that I had to step back at the moment.
"What do you want from me?!." I kinda yelled .
He didn't seem scared , he was curios and seemed like an analyzer ..
He carelessly walked pass me and settled down on the chair beside mine , saying :" I saw what you did there .. You have to tell me how .!"
I chuckled nervously , rasing an eyebrow :" I don't need to fucking explain anything to you .!."
He took a deep breath and stood up infront of me . It was dark there , maybe a little light of stars in his green gaze , as he softly and calmly blinked and I heard the radio that turned on playing "Happily" ..
In the dark I saw the lamp behind her turning on and off ..
I felt scared , and shocked at the sameme time . But I saw a sureness in his green eyes .
"I know you wanna leave, so c'mon ..
Baby, be with me so happily .." The radio's sound floated in my head when suddenly the lamp bulb busted and it turned off the same time radio did .

Now Tommo was fixing the bulb .
"The first timr that it happened i was like why me ?!. Why no one else ، why ?"
I said and he glared at me and finally jumped down his chair .
"I don't know if it's a reward nor a punishment .." He said .
I shrugged and switched my eyes off his blue eyes , saying :" I'd say it's a punishment .."
- Why ?
"Because we aren't like others .." I said and walked pass him looking down the balcony through the city .
"I'd say its a reward ."
In answer of my "why" he told me my own sentence "Cause we aren't like others.." .
Minutes passed when i finally sat down infront of him and said :" Seeing you made me feel comfortable !."
He chuckled teasingly , askig after :" Huh and why's that ?!"
"I found out that i'm not alone .. Maybe , there are even more kids like us !"
He scratched his chin and narrowed his eyes :" Actually theres a guy called James ."
"Can you take me to him ?!." I asked .
"Noo!." He answered in an exhausting tone .
His cold gaze would just kill my hope but i didn't stop asking :" Pleasee..!"
"Why do y'all find me ?." He murmured , groaned and wrinkled his nose .
I stared at him not even blinking once , trying to look as inoffensive and opperessed as possible .
He seemed to be the only way to survive and for now , I had my ways to stop him from rejecting my appeals ..
He licked his lips nervously and sighed :" Okay ."

Lou's POV:
A little later we were out and I was taking him to James .
I was gonna get rid of him after this I guess and this was good !.
I couldn't take people really ..
They were tiering and their questions was even harder to answer and a hundred if explanations that they expected .
Stupid !..
I entered James's yard ; Dark as always with a few light lamps in the little gardens .
I looked back at the boy analyzing everywhere and whistled so he'd realize where I am .
He was always so light-headed it seem like , he looked around alot ..
He quickly looked at me with his emerald eyes widened and ran after me , I felt like i saw shadows behind the door but didn't pay attention and opened the door .
All of a sudden , I froze seeing a whole family there while a man was holding a vase in a position as if he wanted to hit anyone behind this door .
As soon as I noticed Scarlett and she yelled a "No" , He stepped back .
"What the hell are you doing here ?!" I said and steped inside .
I knew the lady , Scarlett ?!.
And Niall , James' stepson .
But others ?
I didn't know the blonde guy that seemed as scared as if he just came out of a war and the little sunglass-wearing boy holding his hand .
Niall's skin was paler than usual , when suddenly the guy yelled :" Why are you trying to hurt us ?!."
"These aren't the ones I'm talking about , there are other badguys coming !." Niall squeaked as My eyes caught his usual headphones on his shoulders .
"Wh..What's happening ?!. Badguys?." The guy I brought with me asked .
"We have no time to explain ..!" The blonde man spat out .
Niall sighed and waved at us :" Come on !"
He ran out and we followed ..
Did I know what was happening?!.
No .
We just ran and ran untill I got frustrated and held a board in street and yelled :"Guys stop !"

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