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"Just be more carefull Harry !." Chris said while sitting on the corner of the livingroom .
"Don't lie heavy on the kid , okay ?!." Scarlett said .
Harry just glared at them sorryly , finally murmuring :"I'm sorry I know it's my fault .."
"I'm not saying anything I'm just -"
"You're just ?!."
"Soon , Everyone's gonna understand !." He said and it made my hreat ache even more .
"Okay okay !. I'm gonna imagine that nothing strange will happen , no electric problems, nothing moving in the air ! But ?!. Money ? We'll have to get a job huh ?!. When we're not married how are we gonna get a job hiding our real last names ?!."
He was talking the truths which hurt Scarlett .
She just covered her forhead with her hand .
"Then ! If we are a normal family , we'll have to sign these kids to school !."
I raised my head and a frown appeared between my eyebrows :" School ?!"
"What are you gonna do ?! Keep running away from polices in streets ?!" Harry kinda yelled with his hands on his hips .
"Look at us !. How are they gonna believe ?!."
"Look its the only way!." Scarlett said .
I let my breath out.
I saw her standing in front of the window and covering her face .
I just , couldn't imagine going to a school and , obeying every rule a fucking teacher or any principal says .
I stood up and scratched my neck , and walked towards the door and leaned on it , glaring at the garden ,outside .
"I'm here for you .. I will be your son .. If you want to ." Haryr stepped forward ,I could feel his voice trembling and uncontorlably, I looked up to look at him .
His red lips were hald ooened as he breath deeply .
I stole my gaze looking down .
"Dad ?!."
Jacob said .
"Can we stay ?!. I love this family . I don't even feel weird anymore !. We're all alike !." He gritted his teeth .
Chris glared at him and didn't know what to say .
I yawned as Harry hugged Scarlett and scratched my nose few times .
"Uh, Son, Okay .." Chris finally answered .
I chucked slowly stepping forward and grinning as usual :" Y'all gonna call me something way cooler then Louis !."
I said because when I was standing beside her and she was intorducing me to the neighbors she couldn't say Tommo and read Louis Vuitton's name from the magazing Elnour was holding in her hands and said that my name was Louis !.
It was gonna take time for me to get used to it instead of Tommo .
"Yay ! I'm gonna have a brother !." Jacob said and suddenly hugged me from behind .
I wanted to sigh but it kinda reminded me of the boy i met in the streets ..
I don't know .
Harry laughed and turned around saying :" Niall !."
He lowered her tone saying :" Whe..Wheres Niall ?!."
Now Niall was lost !

Harry's POV:
We went out . We spread into groups and me and Tommo went to the forest .
It smelled like wet soil .
I had to run and I almost lost Tommo when suddenly felt an arm wrapped arpund my waist and I fell down on the ground on a side of me .
I didn't want my head to hit the ground so used my elbow and layed on aside , suddenly facing Tommo that fell right beside me still having his arm wrapped around my waist but slipping it off .
I uncontrolably held my breath and wanted to scream at the same time .
His nose , his blue eyes , his lips just a few inches away from me .
He was even wearing a clogne , maybe an old one but still smelling , I couldn't stare ay him more so I screamed as I realized him staring at me :" What are you doing ?! Are you insane ?!"
I settled on my knees and stood up .
Tommo just sighed and stepped back standing up ..
He wanted to just hold me !?. Psycho .


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