Chapter 2

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We talked deeply.

That time when guy X brought that movie's tickets, "My Exes and Whys", it was as if I had an upset stomach, and my vision even seemed to swirl. About this, Rynuel knows now.

About my second ex, he knows more now.

My second ex and I bonded a lot by going to movies. We watched thriller, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, anything. We were avid fans of movies. Well, watching movies is our "couple time", "our time" to be together. Apart from that, watching movies was what made us part. I thought it was "our time" to be together. But during a large scale theft in the bank near the floor of the movie theater, everyone panicked. Policemen and robbers were shooting each other. Like anyone, we were rushing to the safe place mentioned by a policeman. In an unfortunate try to escape, a bullet struck him, headshot. *Gulp*

I can't... I couldn't say anything more. I just cried in Rynuel's embrace.

I remembered something. Work! I hastily asked Rynuel, "Rye-Rye! Oh my goodness! The cafe! I've been gone for too long." Ruie looked at me and said, "I told you to call me by my name." 

"Now's not the time for this, Rye-Rye, quick! What time is it?" 

"Cess, calm down, our boss understands that you've been sick these days. He mentioned that you're so hardworking, don't you deserve a rest? It's Saturday today, no work. Tomorrow's Sunday. You can rest for now," Rynuel assured me.

*Sigh* "Thankfully," I whispered as now I breathed easier. A bright idea popped up in my mind, "Oh, it's Sunday tomorrow? You know what that means, right?" I grinned at Rynuel. He smiled, saying, "Right, let's go attend Mass at the church."

Time passed by quickly and it's already Sunday.

I wore a proper casual attire: a blue, violet, and black dress, multi-colored. Rynuel wore a plain white T-shirt and red shorts. This time, we are planning to go to a larger church, the city's cathedral. We rode in the car while playing music that we like.

Arriving at the grandiose cathedral, I saw a wishing fountain in front of the building. There were different, various flowers, colorful and diverse. After a short sightseeing, we entered the doorway. Bells rang. The holy mass has now begun.

"Thou, fear not! The Almighty is by thy side until the end of time and will be for all eternity. Lo, the Almighty fights for thee! Therefore, fear not!" The strong and peculiar way of speaking of the priest sparked my interest. There were some words that might not be familiar to the people, so it may sound confusing, even to me. But I think I got the essence of it, that it was talking about God, me and everybody.


I tried to ask myself if I deserved all these bad things that happened to me and all the trauma it brings me till now. The priest exhorted, "Thou, beloved, lean not on thy own understanding. Trust in the Lord, for He has made you great in your humility; He has prepared great inheritance for you in eternity, for thee who endure, beloved, for thee!" 

I am so intent in discerning what the priest just said. Hmm... I'm realizing things, but not realizing that...

For a while, Rynuel held my hand.

This, this touched the beating flesh and blood inside me... I mean, inside my chest. The homily of the priest, as if it knew my life and understood it, spoke impactfully yet comfortingly. As all this happens, I feel warm inside me and on my right hand too. How nice.

The mass is halfway through, nearing the end. "With strength anew, brothers and sisters, let's confidently pray the prayer that our Lord taught us," the priest said. The people sing, "Our Father, who art in Heaven... Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done... On Earth, as it is in Heaven... Amen." Receiving the Bread of Life, Jesus in the Holy Host, we communed, and the mass soon ended.

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