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"Alright, listen. The 'rents are out tonight, first day party at my house. Invite whoever the hell you want!" Gina exclaims as we were walking to our next class together.

"I'll be there. Only if there's a good amount of alcohol." I negotiate, stopping at my locker and quickly putting in my combination. Eventually my locker opens and I trade out my books.

"Well, duh!" Gina responds, slamming my locker shut once she sees I have all my books.

We walk in a comfortable silence until we make it to our next class together.


I was actually pretty good at math. I understand math.

I would be in the accelerated math class, but I had to purposely do bad on my tests so I'd be placed in the regular class.

Fuck my life though.

 When me and Gina enter the classroom, we see that the whiteboard has "Sit Anywhere" on it, so me and Gina take seats next to each other at the back of the class. The bell rings and the classroom begins to fill up with new students, Gina and I snickering when we see who's in this class.


"Good afternoon, leopards! My name is Mr. Gasick, and I will be your math teacher this year." My teacher announces, and I can already tell Gina hates this class.

"I'm glad that everyone found your seats because for the first semester that will be your assigned seat." Mr. Gasick informs, and Gina and I turn to each other with a smile on our faces.

"Alrighty, now I want everyone to partner up with someone and tell them one thing about you." He instructs. Gina and I turn to each other immediately while the rest of the class begins to converse.

Gina and I spend this time talking about random stuff, until Mr. Gasick interrupts the class.

"Excuse me, Ashlyn doesn't have a partner. Is someone willing to make a group of three?"

Small laughs and snickers scatter throughout the class, while Ashlyn just stands there staring at her feet.

"We can take her!" Gina offers, causing me to give her a confused look. I gently shake my head, hoping she gets the message that I don't want Ashlyn Moone in our group.

"Ah, thank you Gina and Nina." Mr. Gasick thanks, sending Ashlyn our way. she, very hesitantly, beings to walk towards our desks and takes a seat next to me.

"I go by Nini." I correct him, and he gives me a small head nod. The rest of the class begins to go back to their conversations.

"Thank you so much for letting me be in your gro-" Ashlyn begins, but Gina cuts her off.

"Listen bitch, I didn't do it to be nice. I did it to tell you to make sure your brothers going to my party. You are not invited, but Cole is. Party starts at eight, make sure he knows." Gina instructs, and a very saddened expression grows on Ashlyn's face.

"Did I do something to you?" She very softly asks, her voice breaking.

"Maybe if you ran on the treadmill as much as you ran your mouth, then maybe we'd like you a little more." I advise, scrunching my nose as I say the last part.

"What is wrong with you?" Ashlyn spats, standing up so she was looking down at us cause we were still sitting in the desks. Her sudden temper caused everyone in the classroom to turn their heads and stare at us.

I was used to being stared at though.

"Me? Oh babe, I'm perfect. I think there's something wrong with you." I reply, earning a laugh from Gina.

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