Twenty Seven

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tw: suicide


"Nini!" Gina yells, snapping me back into reality.

We were all at lunch. Me, Ej, Gina, Kourt, and Lily, Levi, and Ricky started sitting with us again and I even convinced Gina to let Ashlyn sit with us.

"Sorry. I zoned out a bit." I reply, looking down at my lunch tray.

"Are you okay? I feel like you've been zoning out a lot recently and you seem really paranoid about something." Ashlyn adds.

"I'm fine, just tired."

I wasn't fine.

But I can't tell them that.

It was then when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I furrow my eyebrows as I grab my phone and unlock it, looking at the text I just got.

 I furrow my eyebrows as I grab my phone and unlock it, looking at the text I just got

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This makes my heart drop as I feel my pulse begin to quicken. How did he get my number?

"I'll be right back, excuse me." I excuse myself from the table and get up without looking back as I speed walk out of the lunchroom.

Once I'm in the hallway where nobody can see me, I run to the nearest bathroom and push the door open. Once I'm in the bathroom, I look in that little gap under the stalls to check for feet, relived when I find out nobody's in here.

I then walk over to the sink and place both my hands on the sink, bowing my head as I try to calm myself down.

I find the courage to raise my head and look at myself in the mirror. I looked so weak and vulnerable.

I turn the faucet, getting some water on my hands as I rub my face to clean it. I've never felt fear like this before.

Once I've calmed myself down, I head out of the bathroom although I let out a high pitched shriek when I ram into someone's chest.

Is it Hayes?

He's gonna hurt me!

"What's going on with you?" I hear the person who I bumped into ask in a very skeptical voice.

I look up, finding myself relieved when I see it's just Ricky.

"God, Ricky you scared me." I tell him, taking a deep breath.

He ignores my comment and rolls his eyes, grabbing my hand and leading me into the gym where no one was.

Once he knows we're alone in here, he lets go of my hand and turns to face me. "Time to fess up."

"What're you talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about."

"No, Ricky, I don't."

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