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"So when were you going to fucking tell me you were in the FBI?!" I yell, infuriated with my mother.

"Watch your language, Nina. I didn't tell you because I was trying to protect you."

"Protect me? I don't feel fucking protected! I feel lied to!"

"I told you to watch your language! How did you even find out?"

"Really? That's what you're concerned about? The fact that I found out the lie you've been keeping from me for almost nineteen fucking years? What the hell is wrong with you!"

"I told you to watch your language!"

"I don't give a shit about my fucking language! I can't even believe you right now! The fact that you kept a secret as big as this for my whole fucking life just makes me question you! What else are you involved in, huh?"

"Nina, stop."

"No, tell me! Next thing you're gonna tell me is that you take meth."


"Or maybe, maybe you know what happened to Keira! If you're with the FBI that wouldn't sur-" I ramble, but get cut off by a stinging pain in my cheek as my head snaps to the left.

My mother had slapped me.

I feel my eyes beginning to gloss as I stare at my mother with disbelief, bringing my hand up to my cheek to caress the area she slapped.

"Get out of my house." She grits through her teeth, not one ounce of regret in her eyes.

"Go!" She yells as she sees I haven't moved.

At this point I wasn't even trying to contain the tears that were streaming down my face. "Okay. I'm sorry." I whisper, my voice breaking as the pure vulnerability seeps through my voice.

I slowly walk over to the front door as I swing it open, only to be met with pouring rain.

I had no time to even ask for an umbrella before I feel my moms hands on my back, pushing me out the door and onto the porch. Not even a second later the door slams and I hear the lock clicking.

I cross my arms as I walk out into the rain, the cold air prickling my skin as the hairs on my arms stand up. My breath hitching as the tears continue to stream down my face, mixing with the rain.

My feet splash in the puddles as I walk in the middle of the street, not even worrying about any cars.

I have nowhere to go.

I'm all alone.

Me, myself, and I.

Maybe I deserve it.

Maybe I deserve being alone.

I shake off that thought as I move to sit against a brick wall, resting my head on my knees as I continue to break down in the pouring rain.

Pain like no other is when you continuously get hurt by those around you. It truly is just me. I'm all I have.

"Nina?" I hear a voice call out.

I snap my head up from my knees, rolling my eyes at who I see standing only a few feet away with an umbrella.

"Go away, Ricky." I snap, rolling my eyes more when I see him shaking his head.

"No. Why are you out here in the pouring rain?" He asks, putting down his umbrella as he walks over to me and kneels next to me.

"That's none of your fucking business!" I yell, coming out way harsher then I intended.

𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤. [𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘢𝘶]Where stories live. Discover now