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I was in the car with a stranger.

Against my own will, too.

I reach my hand out to the door handle, trying to shake it to get open but it won't budge.

"Don't bother sweetheart. It's locked." The guy who's name I know now is Ricky informs. I roll my eyes at the ridiculous nickname.

"This is illegal! Let me out right now or I swear I'm gonna call the cops."

Ricky laughs, "You really have no idea."

"Maybe I have no idea because you've given me no fucking answers!"

"You haven't asked me any questions."

"Because you fucking told me not to question you!"

"Exactly. Bingo! See? We're getting somewhere!"

I roll my eyes and slouch back into the seat, finally managing to put on my seatbelt. "Can you at least tell me where the fuck you're taking me?"

"Can't, sorry. That's private information. But, I can tell you that it's about an hour away so make yourself comfortable."

"I'm not gonna be comfortable when I'm in a car with someone who forced me in here."

"Well then, that sounds like a you problem. Sucks to suck, doesn't it?"

"I don't like your attitude."

"I don't like you in general."

"Then why the hell did you kidnap me? Are you seriously that obsessed with me?"

Ricky scoffs, "Y'know, people told me you were full of yourself but I didn't think they actually meant it."

"Fuck you!"

"Slow down, babe. We just met."

"Oh my God, you're a bastard!"

"Yeah, go ahead and tell that to someone who works for the Federal Bureau of Investigations."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What the fuck is that?"

Ricky laughs, "Damn, you are really not the brightest person, huh?"

"Just tell me what it means!"

"Ah, you'll find out eventually. In the meantime, I suggest you hold on tight." Ricky says before sharply swerving the car off the road, driving into a forest.

"What the fuck! You know you're supposed to drive on the street, right?"

"I am aware, Nina. I have a drivers license."

I roll my eyes and look out my window. I didn't like this guy at all.

Eventually we start driving on some secluded backroad. "How did you know this was here?" I wonder.

"I thought I fucking told you to stop asking me questions. You are the most stubborn person I have ever met so please, for five minutes can you just shut your fucking mouth?"

"My moms are gonna cal-" I begin, but I stop my sentence when he, very aggressively, slams on the breaks causing me to fly forward and hit my head on the seat in front of me.

"Ow!" I grunt, rubbing where I hit my head as he gets out of the car and makes his way over to the door on my side.

He aggressively swings the door open as he grabs my arm, lifting me up and out of the car, causing me to stumble a bit cause of how harshly he pulled me up. He then slams the door, grabs both of my wrists in one hand as he pins them behind my back and shoves me up against the car so that my back was facing him. 

𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤. [𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘢𝘶]Where stories live. Discover now