Chapter 1

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"Tony please!" McGee enters the office. "What's wrong, Mclate?" Tony asks
"First I'm not late, even Gibbs isn't there yet and I don't see the other teams either. And second, I am in a really grumpy mood already. So go to your own desk." McGee walks to his desk and he drags Tony of his chair.
"I didn't know you broke up with your girlfriend, McGoo." Tony says, he is really interested in McGee's love life, as always. 'No, Tony I didn't broke up with my girlfriend and if I did, it's none of your bisniss." McGee is really pissed.
"McGee, DiNozzo, grab your gear. We are going to a navy officer and his wife." Gibbs says, he takes his gun out of a draw under his desk and walks to the elivator with Timothy and Tony right behind him.

"Where is Ziva?" Tony asks while they walk to the car where the Navy officer and his wife are laying death. "You don't know, she didn't tell you?" McGee asks. He is opening the cardoor and he looks right in the face of the death officer. "No she didn't, where is she?" Tony says hurt, why wouldn't Ziva say why she isn't here. "O don't worry too much about it. Ziva is in hospital cause she is visiting an old friend of hers." McGee explains. Gibbs clears his troath. McGee starts looking for bullet holes in the car. "Even you, no offense McNerd, but even you know where Ziva is and I don't." Tony is really hurt but he mans himself up and he joins Timothy by the searching.

"My apologies, ectually, Jimmy's apologies. For being so late. He thought like always he could find it on his own. But like always he didn't." Ducky walks to the death body's and begins temporating. He is grumpy too. Like McGee and DiNozzo. It's in the air, you can feel it. Jimmy almost runs to Ducky to assist him.
"Don't worry, we'll be here for ages if McGee and DiNozzo carry on with not doing their job's!" Even Gibbs is grumpier than ever.

"Boss, I found something!" McGee yells cause he is on the other side of the road. "What? McGee? What?" Gibbs walks to McGee. "A grogeries bag" McGee points to the back that's laying in front of them. "And that's why I had to come here?" Gibbs is angry he really is. But than he sees that McGee not only points to the groseries bag but also what's in it.
A gun and not only a gun. The gun is hold by a hand. And the hand is NOT stuck to a body.

Second chappie. I thought I had to add this one to the other chapter cause the other is just an introduction so yeah. Hope you enjoy reading this. I apologize for the English Grammer. 😊
Comment please! 😃

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