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                                    (Lola's POV)

         Trying my best not to think about what Edward said at the night club throughout the drive home was hard, I concentrated on looking outside as he drove. When we got to my house, it was such a relief I sprinted out of the car and ran towards the door without even looking at him, all I wanted to do was to be on my own.

      Finally unlocking the door and running through the long hall, as I burst through the sitting room in a bid to get to my room, I unknowingly intruded on what looked like a movie date between my mom and dad. I was so surprised to see them at home and why they decided to use the sitting room instead of the private theatre was beyond my understanding.

     Both of them turned to stare at me and Mom scrambled to sit up straight and then asked.
        "I thought you asked for permission to sleep over at Edward's, what's wrong?"
     I tried to answer but I almost burst into tears so I ran up straight to my room and almost immediately I heard footsteps coming towards my door.

      "Princess are you okay?" My dad asked as he knocked on my door, my own date was ruined and I managed to ruin my parents date, to keep him from worrying too much I wiped the tears running down my face and tried to answer.

   "I'll be fine dad I just need to be alone" I said weakly.

  "Okay if you need anything just call us" he said and I heard his receding footsteps as he left my door.

     I was thankful it was not my Mom at the door or else it would have taken minutes for me to convince her to leave me alone and thank God Dad was not being persistent today. I stood up from the door of my room where I had been sitting for a while now replaying the whole day and trying to figure out were everything started to go wrong.

     I was tired of crying and I felt so weak, I kicked off my heels and removed the dress I was wearing then changed into a short night dress, I climbed into my bed and closed my eyes still feeling angry of how little Edward tought of me after almost two years of us dating, I was too tired to keep on thinking I didn't even know when I fell asleep.

     I woke up to a soft knock on my door with Mom calling out my name. Although she called impatiently I could hear the concern in her voice so I stood up from my bed and dragged myself towards the door to let her in.

    "You finally opened the door, I thought I was going to have to get your dad to Break it open"

       my mom said as she went towards the curtain covering my balcony door and pulled them open to let the sunlight in. She handed me a glass of water and painkillers for the headache I always get after crying. Mom always acts like she's being non chalant about me but she always knows just what I need even when I don't know.

   "Chloe called and said she would be coming over in the next thirty minutes, don't go back to sleep again it's eleven already and please go take a shower you look ill"  she said looking at me then she shook her head and left my room saying something about me always waking up late.

     All the things my mom just said were not in Order and I knew it.
It was more like: 'I called Chloe over because I'm concerned and she'll be here in an hour (because Chloe is always late), sleeping like you do is unproductive and please go take a shower because your eyes is puffy and you look like shit'.

        My mom always tries to hide the fact that she's an emotional caring person but she always fails but I pretend not to notice. I Know she was trying to cheer me up that's why she invited Chloe over and pretended like Chloe wanted to come over, she even knew I cried last night without coming into my room and remembered to bring me some painkillers. I smiled and went to have a long shower because it always left me relieved.

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