Chapter £19

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Kyoinor only heard the dead silence in the room that he and Norman were in. 'I can't find any way where I can escape without Clair. I could attempt to take Norman on, but he has more experience than me when it comes to combat. But that's only a possible scenario if I'm able to untie myself.' Kyoinor thought.

The mercenary then could hear soft hums coming from the soldier. His silver gaze shifted to see Norman nonchalantly humming as he examined his gun.

"We'll have to wait for just a little bit longer until my mission is complete." Norman spoke. "My superior will come and get you after a couple of minutes."

"May I ask who your superior is?" Kyoinor asked mindlessly.

"Of course not." he spoke. "I believe I'm not obligated to inform you."

Suddenly, the two of them can hear a pair of loud footsteps nearby. The rusted door of the room was slammed open as Harper and Clair aimed their guns forward. Harper was able to quickly grasp the situation and shot Norman's hand that was holding his gun. However, the pain of the gunshot did not deter the hardened solider and he shot Harper back in the shoulder.

Clair then fired towards where she heard Norman's gunshot in which she was able to land a shot on his arm. Harper shot the ropes that binded Kyoinor, cutting the threads and unrestraining him.

Kyoinor quickly ran towards the table where his firearm and ammunition were and grabbed it. He quickly shot Norman in the ankle before escaping with the two women. However, the soldier was able to shoot Kyoinor in the back and Clair in the arm before they could leave the room. The three ran quickly through the rotting and rusting station.

Blood leaked from their wounds as they created a trail of blood splatters on the ground beneath them. Once they saw the gleams of sunlight coming from the surface, they ran faster. They climbed up the stairs and onto the sidewalk. They continued running with the wind, dodging multiple people along the way.

They then arrived at Harper's car in which they quickly got inside and closed the doors. Harper turned on her car and quickly drove. "Thanks for saving me Clair." Kyoinor spoke.

"The strands of hair you left was the main assistant on why we were able to find you." Clair spoke.

Kyoinor glanced at Harper. "Thanks.."

"Harper. Harper Gao." the officer introduced herself.

"Thanks Harper." he spoke.

"Clair convinced me to help you, but you're welcome. May I ask why you were kidnapped and who kidnapped you?" Harper asked. "The man who kidnapped you seems to have training in the military. So how did you exactly get into a mess like this?"

"It seems someone bears a grudge for me for my actions during the war." Kyoinor spoke.

Clair was caught off guard from the newfound information about the mercenary. She initially went to communicate her shock but she stopped herself. "I see. Would you like to specify what you did?"

"I betrayed my country in the war because the Independence Party bought me off." he straightforwardly said.

"The hatred that people bear for you is quite justifiable, you treasonous and selfish mercenary." Harper spoke as she pulled out her firearm. "Wouldn't it be justified for me to arrest you on the spot for treason?"


"Yes. However, there's something I must accomplish before I'm rightfully punished." he spoke. "I would appreciate it if you didn't arrest me now."

"What is this thing you want to accomplish?" Harper asked.

"Something good amongst all my crimes." he spoke.

"Hm, I see." Harper spoke as she put away her gun. "So even even traitors like you are good for something. If you didn't gain the amicable favor of Clair, I would've handed you over. Somehow, a brilliant and just detective believes there's some decency in you."

"I see." he spoke. "A doctor's surgery is nearby around where we can get medical attention. I suggest we go there since the nearest hospital is farther from where we are."

"Is it also because you're safe in this surgery?" Harper asked.

"Yes." Kyoinor said. "My brother is one of the doctors that works in that surgery."

"Your brother?" Clair spoke, surprised by the newfound information.

"Yep. My older brother." he said. "He's a good doctor so we'll be getting quality treatment."

"Alright, we'll take your word for it." Harper spoke.

"Why did you let the party buy you off? Why betray your country for money?" Clair questioned. "You aren't someone consumed by greed, so why?"

"I needed more money at that time."

Eventually, the three arrived at the doctor's surgery. They exited the car and went inside the doctor's surgery. The mercenary led them to the room through the corridors where his brother presided in.

He grabbed the knob and twisted it, opening the door. The three made their way inside the room and walked towards the reception desk.

The receptionist noticed the gunshot wounds that the three had sustained. "Oh goodness.." she muttered as she saw their wounded state. "Names?"

"Fabian Evans."

"Harper Gao."

"Clair Gauthier."

Suddenly, the door leading to the doctor's office opened. There, revealed the crimson-haired doctor. "I'll take these three Alice. We don't have any patients currently, so we might as well treat these three now." he suggested as he gave a smile.

"Alright, Dr. Hughes." she said.

Fletcher gestured the three to follow him in which they obliged to his request. The doctor led Kyoinor and Harper into different rooms. "Follow me." he spoke to Clair.

Clair followed the sound of his footsteps and went inside of a room.

"You're Clair, yes?" he asked.

"Yes, and you're Kyoinor's older brother?" she responded.

"Yes, I am. It seems like he told you about me. But he shared a few things about you as well to myself." Fletcher spoke. "It's quite a surprise that you lack sight."

"That's what most people tell me when they discover that I'm blind." she said.

"It's very impressive how you're very attentive to sound to find your way." He spoke. "Anyways, I'll go and fix you up now. How's my brother doing?"

"Someone kidnapped him and attempted to turn him in for betraying his country so I'd say he's not doing too well." Clair stated as Fletcher took her trench coat off.

"Ah, I see." he spoke as he slightly rolled up the sleeve of her blouse.

"Do you know why Kyoinor betrayed England?" she asked.

The doctor hesitated before answering. "I'm sure he wouldn't want me to tell you because he believes that his betrayal should not be excused for any reason. My brother believes he doesn't deserve a shred of pity or forgiveness for his actions. I wish that someday; he'll stop being so hard on himself."

"I see." the former detective spoke as the doctor examined her wound. "He feels guilt, an extreme self-destructive guilt."

"Perhaps, but he doesn't allow his guilt to get in the way of his profession. He's accepted that guilt will not do anything for others or himself." Fletcher said as he walked towards his cabinet."The guilt you felt from taking a life is significantly different from his."

Clair simply looked down as Fletcher opened a drawer and took some bandages from inside. "I'm glad that you're attempting to know who my brother truly is. It's not often that happens."

"You don't need to thank me. I misinterpreted him and I discovered that he wasn't just a despicable man."

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