Chapter £21

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The morning rays of sunlight seeping through the window was enough to wake Kyoinor's dreamy slumber. He slowly opened his eyes and got up from the couch. He sighed and walked towards the table where he placed his belongings last night.

He took his suspenders and clipped them onto his belt. He fixed his hair slightly before putting on his bandana and goggles. He put on his sweater and exited out of his room.

Kyoinor decided not to tighten the tie around his collar today and put his hood on his head, concealing his face.

Once he opened the door, he was met with Clair and Harper in front of his door. "Let us have breakfast." Clair spoke.

The mercenary nodded as the three of them started walking to the dining area of the hotel. They went to grab a white glass plate and went to help themselves with food. Harper served herself with some toast and tea, and the historian took a crossiant with jam and a cup of coffee. Lastly, Kyoinor grabbed some bacon, eggs, baked beans, and tea for himself.

The three took a seat on the same table and starting eating their breakfast. The police officer and mercenary gave each other glances and silence as they looked around the room suspiciously. They chose not to converse their plans as they were cautious of possible enemies eavesdropping on them.

Typical chatter and conversation of the hotel residents filled the room as Harper and Kyoinor observed if anyone looked suspicious. Black lenses of security cameras watched them from above as everyone enjoyed their breakfast.

Clair lifted up her mug and drank the warm coffee from it.

The three had their guns attached to their belt within their hand's vicinity. The mercenary stabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite. Harper chewed her toast.

The two glanced at each other before nodding.

Kyoinor quickly took out his Beretta and shot the multiple security cameras on the ceiling.

The sound of loud gunshots had caused the bystanders to panic and shriek. Harper had also taken out her firearm and shot at a man who was reading the newspaper. The employees had also taken initiative to leave the hotel. However, the man had quickly got up from his seat to avoid the bullet.

Many people quickly got up from their seats and rushed to the exit of the hotel. Some others stumbled over the nearby furniture while some shoved each other to selfishly escape the building faster.

Harper ran towards their target and pointed her gun at him. "W-What are you doing? I beg, please spare me! I haven't done anything wrong!" he pleaded.

Kyoinor and Clair and walked towards the pleading man. He wore a light brown hat that covered his youthful face and dark hair. He looked so juvenile that he could be mistaken to attend an upper secondary school.

Harper pulled the trigger of her firearm and shot his forearm in order to prevent him from drawing his weapon. Blood spluttered out of his arm as he yelled out of pain. "Why are you doing this me?" he questioned.

"Cut the innocent civilian act." Harper spoke.

Kyoinor took a glass of water from a nearby table and approached him. He proceeded to take his hat off and grabbed a handful of his hair.

He pulled it off- revealing for it to be a wig and threw it. He dumped the cup of water on him, washing off the makeup on his face. Particles of peach and pink were seen rushing through the water.

"I know a spy when I see one." Kyoinor spoke. "You have good acting, I'll commend you for that."

The spy had blonde locks of hair and freezing blue irises. He still wore a young face, however it was obvious that he was an adult.

"A spy that almost looks like an unsuspecting young student." Harper spoke as she looked at his soaked state. "Tell me, what's your name?"

The spy simply looked the police officer with emotionless eyes; contrast to his pleading attitude a few seconds ago. "You don't really have a choice, so you might as well speak up."

"Kraus." he spoke. "Winston Kraus."

"That'll do. We all know that isn't your real name." Harper spoke as she took out a pair of handcuffs.

Still, Winston Kraus did not react to the officer handcuffing him. "We'll ask that you'll cooperate with us." Clair spoke. "Tell us who hired you or we'll hand you over to the police."

Winston finally showed some sign of reaction as he tensed up at the idea of being arrested. "I do not have any knowledge of them. They refused to disclose their name nor their identity to me."

"I see." Clair spoke as she found truth in his words. "Were you the only spy hired and how long have you've been following us?"

"I am currently the only spy hired from my knowledge. I have been gathering information on Kyoinor Hughes for 2 weeks." he straightforwardly spoke.

'He's definitely not a spy that is affiliated or patriotic to a specific country. He's spilling out information for his own benefit.' Kyoinor thought.

"I will request that I will work as a double agent for you three if you do not arrest me." he spoke.

"Why should we believe the words of a man who has been trained to deceive and trick?" Harper asked.

"I am loyal to my livelihood and survival than anything else. If working for you three means saving myself, then I shall commit to it." he spoke.

"Seems reasonable enough for me. You don't look like anyone who sticks to one allegiance anyways." the mercenary spoke. "Get up and come along."

Winston got up and looked at Kyoinor for a direction. "When will your employer expect for you to return information to them?"

"After 5 o' clock." he spoke.

"I see. For the time we have until that time frame, we'll keep you close then." he spoke.

"You're quite reckless, Kyoinor. You're trusting a spy so easily." the police officer spoke.

"A spy who values their life over patriotism is quite useful compared to spies that are obedient to their country." he spoke.

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