Chapter £35

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Kyoinor sat by a water fountain in Westminister, contemplating the events that led up to his situation. The water reflected the color of the night sky as it continued running in the fountain. It was quite late out and Kyoinor did not sleep or rest before this moment- unlike his companions. His usual goggles and bandana were absent from his head as he decided not to wear them. His crimson hair was down and raw, the scars on his face being fully revealed.

He stood up from the fountain and started walking towards a cemetery that had polished gates as an enclosure. Kyoinor walked around the land that had tombstones adorned upon it and stopped at one. There, the name of his late superior was on the tombstone. He stared at the tombstone.

You wanted me to live a good life, so I will, sir. I'm sorry that I'm going to harm your sister. Please forgive me, sir. I hope that you're doing well wherever you are.

Kyoinor looked up to observe his surroundings in which he saw Quintrell and Norman at the other end of the cemetery. I knew she would find me. This is the gravesite of where you rest afterall, sir.

Kyoinor's silver irises met Quintrell's orbs of jade as they stared at each other. Neither of them took up arms as it was disrpectful to the grave of Adger Quintrell. They slowly walked out of the cemetery, eying each other down. Once they left the vicinity of the gravesite, Kyoinor started running away from the vice admiral. Quintrell, accompanied by Norman chased after him.

The former soldier ran through the streets of Westminster, the street lights illuminating his dark path. Quintrell took out her firearm and fired at him, bullets rushing towards him. Kyoinor was able to evade her bullets as he ran into an alleyway. Norman and the vice admiral followed him into the dark crevices, continuing to send their bullets at him. As they ran, the American soldier had tripped onto a pair of feet.

Quintrell heard her companion stumble down and turned around to see that he was tripped by Cecil and Robyn. Norman attempted to get up but he was met with Harper pointing a gun at him. He simply smiled nonchalantly.

"I see."

Quintrell clenched her jaw in annoyance and continued chasing after her target. Kyoinor saw Clair near the exit of the alleyway. Once they reached within each other's range, they tossed a box of ammunition to each other. They caught each other's boxes and gave each other an fond smile before he had run off. Clair opened the box of ammunition and felt a piece of paper laid upon the bullets.

She could hear Cecil, Robyn, and Robyn tying Norman down as she took the note out. She could feel multiple holes punched into the paper. He..

She felt the holes under her fingertips.  He learned how to make Braille. Clair read the note and found it to be amusing and sheepish. She chuckled quietly.

You won't die, Kyoinor. I know you won't, so don't give me your responsibilities.

The former soldier continued running and decided to enter Victoria Tower. He was able to bypass multiple guards and ran up the tower. Quintrell was astonished by the little regard that Kyoinor had for important English buildings. She proceeded to run after him into the tower, excusing herself among the multiple guards and stating her rank in the British Navy. After the tedious and countless amount of stairs, the two had reached the top of Victoria Tower.

The stars illuminated the night sky while the lights from the city brightened the bottom of the tower.

Quintrell loaded her gun and aimed it at Kyoinor. "You have some nerve coming up here, Hughes. You realize you've backed yourself into a corner."

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