Chapter £10

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Kyoinor and Clair exited out of the museum, feeling the heat of the flames burning in the city. They continued to find Olivia and Alastair persistently.

"I'm curious on why you desperately attempt to spare lives no matter what." Kyoinor spoke.

The embers of the fire and destruction that brought upon death could be heard as it took a moment before she answered. "I don't wish for people to die. Death is not a reasonable punishment for anyone. So any unreasonable bringer of death is unfavorable to me."

"Why do you believe in a deathless ideal like that? Death is common even if there aren't people like me." he spoke.

"I want prevent from any more blood shedding on my hands. Murder should not be widely accepted and normalized, it should prevented as much as possible." Clair spoke as she remembered the wars that their assailant discussed about.

"Then why quit being an officer of the law when you can save more lives as a detective?" he questioned.

Clair did not respond to his question as she could not find her words. "Were you running away from something?"

The historian bit her lip out of frustration. "No, I wasn't."

"Then why did you quit?" he asked.

Clair opened her mouth but no words came out. "Whatever it is you're running away from, it's better just to face and accept it."

"..And why would I take advice from you?" She questioned.

"Acceptance is easier than lying to yourself no matter how harsh the reality is." Kyoinor said. "But you don't have to listen to me. I'm just someone who's been trained to kill others without any regard for life."

"You said that your profession is the only option you have. Why is that?" She asked.

"There's jobs that only rotten people like me take." He spoke. "A normal profession isn't possible for me."

They entered into an alleyway in order to explore more areas of the city. "Tell me Clair, even with your distaste for what I do; do I still deserve to live?"

"Yes. Everyone deserves a chance in life no matter what." She spoke confidently.

Kyoinor chuckled as he found amusement in her answer. "I see. You truly have a noble mind."

'Noble? I find myself doubting that.' Clair thought.

"You've most likely seen heinous crimes committed by others as a detective. Yet, your resolve for your ideals stays strong." Kyoinor spoke.

"Are you only flattering me due to the absence of noble attributes you have?" She spoke.

"I suppose that may be the reason." He mused.

"I see. Even if you realize that your profession is immoral." She said.

"Yes, of course. But I can't do anything about it." The mercenary spoke.

"I see." The former detective spoke.

"You can have this back." Kyoinor said as he took the cash she paid him from his pocket and put it into Clair's hand.

She became confused from his action as she did not take back her money. "Why?"

"I don't feel like earning money like this." He said. "You've already compensated me anyway."

Clair took her money back and put it into her pocket. 'The fact that he's returning my money means that he isn't completely overthrown by greed. He's not taking others' lives just for the money. There must be a better reason on why he's a hitman.'

"What do you mean by me already compensating you?" Clair questioned.

"You've given me something that money can't genuinely buy; a truthful conversation." He spoke. "It's been a while since I talked to someone truthfully so that's enough compensation for me."

'Is he perhaps.. lonely?' Clair thought.

"..I see." She spoke. "Do you not have any other acquaintances?"

"I don't deserve to have acquaintances. Even if I wanted to, people would still want to stray away from me." Kyoinor said as he continued walking.

"That's quite unfortunate." She said.

'Guilt. You know what it is and so do I.'

She then ceased to hear Kyoinor's footsteps as he stopped walking. "Clair, hide yourself behind the bin on your right." He whispered.

Clair obliged as she reached her hand to the right to feel an object. She felt the metal beneath her fingertips once she felt the bin. She proceeded to hide behind it. Clair took out her revolver from her belt and reloaded it.

Kyoinor was faced with the supposed leader of the Cardiff gang. He wore his usually ginger fedora and trench coat with someone accompanying him.

They were a youthful woman that wore a checkered tie and a beret. She had the same look as Cecil- as she seemed to be loyal to the leader. She held a gun that was aimed towards Kyoinor.

"I see that you've successfully escaped from the members tasked to pursue you." The leader spoke. "I will not let their efforts be in vain. Robyn, shoot him."

The woman followed through with his order and pulled the trigger of her firearm. However, the mercenary was able reflexively to dodge the bullet that was fired. He quickly shot the gun out of her hand and shot the gang leader in the shoulder. 

"Boss!" Robyn shouted out of concern.

The mercenary was met with a mob of gang members surrounding around him as they came out from their hiding spots. "Everyone! Protect the boss and kill the bastard!" Cecil commanded.

Kyoinor went to fire another shot at the leader's lower limbs- however, Robyn had used her arm to shield the leader. Blood spilled out of her arm as the bullet struck her.

Robyn winced out of pain but did not make an audible sound to express her anguish. Multiple gang members started shooting at the mercenary while he did his best to cripple the majority of his opponents.

He was able to shoot a couple of gang members down before he needed to reload his firearm. He started shooting again but unfortunately, he could not face a group that outnumbered him severely. He was shot in the calf, causing him to fall down on his knees.

"Everyone, cease your fire." The leader commanded.

All of the gang members quickly obeyed as no more ammunition was being fired. "Boss, why-"

"It's fine, Cecil. Plus, I trust that you and the rest of the Cardiffs to protect me." The gang leader spoke before glancing at Kyoinor.

He settled his shadowed and hidden gaze on the mercenary. "I believe this man had someone accompanying him previously. Now I wonder where she could be?"

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