Chapter £6

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"I guess we meet again." Kyoinor spoke.

'That voice.' Clair recognized.

"Kyoinor Hughes?" Clair identified as she stated his name.

"Clair Gauthier." Kyoinor greeted.

"Wait, is he the bodyguard that you had Clair?" Olivia asked.

"Yes." she simply answered.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Olivia Levitsky." the archivist introduced as she offered her hand to Kyoinor.

The mercenary took it and shook it respectfully before they took their grasp off each other's hands. He then noticed the gunshot wound on Olivia's shoulder. "How did you get that injury?"

"I got shot while Clair and I were fighting against a bunch of people who were shooting at the restaurant that we were about to have dinner in." she explained.

"That sounds familiar. I had to deal with multiple people shooting at my client while accompanying him." Kyoinor said. "I suppose we're in the same situation and we happened to have the same idea to go here."

Olivia analyzed the other man that was with Kyoinor. "You look like an important person. The clothing you're wearing is quite expensive, but I just can't put my finger on it on who you are."

"I am the 8th earl of Mansfield; Alastair Murray." he introduced.

"My apologies, Lord Alastair. It's very good to meet you." the archivist spoke.

"I shall excuse your ignorance as we are in Westminister and I am not as well known." he spoke, his tone seemingly to be polite but flamboyant. "So far Westminister has not treated me well as some barbarians have attempted to murder me."

Alastair turned to looked at Clair. "Have you not acknowledged my presence yet?"

Clair turned to the direction where she heard the earl's voice. "Apologies Lord Alastair, my friend lacks the ability of sight." Olivia said.

"Oh, I see. I suppose my insensitivity was quite rude." the earl spoke.

"It's alright, Lord Alastair. The assumption of me having sight is not uncommon." Clair spoke. "Please excuse Olivia and I as she needs immediate medical attention."

Alastair stared at Olivia's wounded. "Quite undoubtedly so. I have decided! I will request for my bodyguard to take you to a nearby hospital."

"Lord Alastair, there's no need-"

"Nonsense! My bodyguard and I possess a vehicle for transportation that we can use to take you two to a hospital!" he said.

"You do realize that you might endanger yourself as those people may still be chasing you down." Kyoinor mentioned.

"Am I not a member of nobility? I should make an attempt to act like one." Alastair spoke.

"You have our gratitude, Lord Alastair." Olivia responded to his consideration.

"You are very welcome! Now let us make our way to my car." the earl declared. "Lead the way, Kyoinor."

The mercenary did not complain to his demand and started walking back towards the direction that they came from. The earl along with the other two women followed Kyoinor as they traversed through the underground station.

While Clair used the sounds of his footsteps to follow him, the other individuals looked after the white jacket that he wore. Olivia handed Clair her revolver back. "You can have this back."

Clair grabbed it and put it back into her belt as they continued walking.

The light that was on the ceiling of the station dimly illuminated their way- nevertheless, it still assisted them.

'I did not wish to meet this mercenary again. But I suppose his presence will assist Olivia and I to get to safety.' Clair thought.

The four kept on walking through the dim underground station until they found a staircase leading up outside. They walked up the stairs, seeing the dark night present upon the sky.

Streetlights greeted them as they illuminated the streets. The noise of running vehicles on the streets and busy chatter was heard all around. The group walked on the sidewalk of the streets to eventually arrive at a parked black car.

Kyoinor opened the door for the noble, in which the earl made his way into the car. The mercenary closed the door and went inside the driver's seat. Clair and Olivia proceeded to do the same action in the backseats of the car.

Kyoinor took out a key out of his pocket and inserted it into the ignition to start up the car. Soon enough, he started driving to the nearest hospital. After an uneventful ride of a few turns, they had arrived at their destination.

Once the crimson-haired man parked the car, the four of them went to exit the car. They went to the entrance of the hospital and opened the doors, allowing entry to themselves. The hospital appeared to be busy as multiple people- assumed to be nurses were hurrying to deliver trays or patients to their rooms.

The earl quickly ran to the reception desk to talk to the receptionist. "Excuse me, this woman behind me has suffered a gunshot wound to the shoulder. I would like for her to get treatment as soon as possible."

"I'm sorry sir, we're quite busy at the moment. She can wait here until we-"

"That is simply preposterous! Her wound is clearly fatal and yet you deny her the medical attention that is necessary!" Alastair exclaimed.

"I'm incredibly sorry sir but we're doing all we can. You see, we are taking care of multiple patients that also suffered gunshot wounds. There seems to be multiple mass shootings in Westminister and we're doing the best to tend to everyone here." the receptionist explained.

Alastair sighed out of irritation and impatience as he could not believe what he was hearing. "This is utter chaos.. I will surely never visit Westminister ever again after this."

"Lord Alastair, it's quite alright. You do not need to stress out for my wellbeing." Olivia assured. "I can wait a bit longer for my treatment."

"Dear, you surely must agree that this is painfully inconvenient." the earl exhaled out of annoyance.

"Yes, I agree. But there's simply nothing we can do." Olivia said.

Suddenly, an explosion can be heard from outside. The four immediately caught on to the noise and rushed outside, exiting the hospital. There, they saw the debris of a broken building that had dust and smoke surrounding it.

Moreover, a large fire erupted out of the building- engulfing it in flames and soon spreading to other structures.

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