Captive butterfly

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That sound...




Not again, no!


The female assassin felt a gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach as the steps continued getting closer and louder. Her muscles tensed altogether, the butterfly-like mark appeared on his eyes, her fight-flight response was triggered, and any sensations worsen every minute as a result of being unable to sweat and breathe.

"<Good morning, Tixij, are you ready to talk now?>" Inquired in Russian the figure wearing western boots.

The woman behind bars felt a great sense of relief as soon as she observed it was just the man known as "Shalashaska" and his eccentric fancy for Spaghetti Westerns movies reflected on his choice of footwear which made that well-known nightmarish sound.

"You don't understand Russian? Or you simply aren't in the mood to answer, eh, Quiet?". Inquired the figure in English this time.

Ocelot's tone of voice was slightly more playful than usual, so Quiet assumed it was some sort of ruse to get Intel out of her. However, the reason of his visit was different.

"Don't worry, no tricks, no interrogation this time and no hard feelings about that staff member who tried to put clothes on you... I just came here for two things: the first one was to check on you-"

That got the Silent Sniper thinking. The days she had been there, she had been treated with decency —like war prisoners are supposed to be treated— even interrogations were acceptable, if only, the only form of violence towards her was the feeling of unwelcomeness and hostility manifested by the MB soldiers; huge contrast compared on how XOF handled their POWs. May God have mercy on those who get apprehended by them—torture and interrogation were the rule, and that for the lucky ones, the most unfortunate ones were used as guinea pigs for their experiments, just like the skulls.

"...And the second reason so as to why I came here is to tell you that Big Boss is visiting you today."

Big Boss... the name that caused indescribable sentiments within the assassin: hatred, uneasiness but also admiration and respect. And how could he not? The title itself inflicted respect to allies and dread amongst enemies. However, to Quiet, the man carrying the title was much more interesting than the title itself. He was an unraveled mystery that she was committed to unriddle.

"We will be discussing our new Medical Team's findings about your abilities which I'm sure not even you know its extents that well-"

Out of the blue, the enhanced assassin perceived again the sound of steps going down the stairs to her cell room, the difference was that this time weren't normal footsteps, those were more like quadruped small claws grazing against the metal with a clumsy, slow pace.

"DD, get outta here!".

The young canine refused to listen to Ocelot but chose to listen to his curiosity instead advancing toward the cell of Quiet cramming between the bars into her cell (even with the size and weight gained thanks to a good care) at which Shalashaska promptly put his hands on his gun belt should he had to pull out his Tornado-6.

"Don't you try anything funny."

Even if Ocelot wouldn't have warned her, Quiet would never hurt an animal for simple fun, animals were one of the few things that still made her happy. Instead, she gently lifted the pup, and much to Adam's surprise, DD seemed to trust her.

 Instead, she gently lifted the pup, and much to Adam's surprise, DD seemed to trust her

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She handed the dog to the Ocelot and the trouble ended there.

"Go and bite Miller or something." He ordered the puppy.

The pup left and Ocelot stayed there setting up a radio/cassette player in her cell.

Before he realized, Ahab had already arrived there, so he began with the explanation: "She uh... refuses to wear clothes. The last staff member who tried to dress her's, breathing through tubes. Other than that, she's completely cooperative. She understands English, but she never speaks, sweats, or breathes."


"Well, not with lungs at least - she breathes through her skin. Clothing would suffocate her. Showers are okay, but she can't be submerged."

As previously agreed with Ocelot, she took a shower to show Ahab her way

"What's wrong with her?".

"She's drinking. Through her skin."

"She's okay?".

"She's okay. She just can't move when she's taking in water. Look. See that? She hasn't eaten a thing since she got here."

"She doesn't eat either?".

"Never. It's photosynthesis."

"Photosynthesis? That's the verdict from the Medical staff?.

"No, the jury's still out. But it's the only explanation for what we've seen. The GRU had a man with that ability in its Cobra Unit. We don't think she's contagious, but some of the staff... can't stomach her. It's starting to affect morale."

"Can't you send her on a mission?"

"By herself? No. But as you know, she does have skill... Why not take her out on one of your missions? She seems so like you. Of course, only if you think she'll be useful. Next time you go out, you keep her in mind."

Diamond Dog's commander took his leave and immediately after he departed, his top advisor made sure that he was away before saying the following:

"You know, tomorrow morning at, let's say, 0500 hours, the Boss will depart to Africa from the Command Platform. And it would be a shame if you, for any reason, snuck into his chopper and joined him in his mission."

Quiet looked up to him in a wary way.

"And it would also be a shame if I forgot to assign someone to guard this cell around the same hour or if I distract Snake long enough for you to get in. Yes, it would be a pity that you got to team up with the legendary Big Boss."

What's your game, old man? Are you trying to get me in trouble? She asked to herself. There's only one way to find out...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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