Chapter 15

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"The cold?" Harbin said skeptically. "They hate the cold the most?"

The two stood in the aftermath of a blizzard, which had covered a town in snow, reaching up to the roofs.

Harbin's feet were sinking in the snow.

"No, not the cold. Humans," Coach Arland corrected.

"But they don't hate them anymore. M-my mom helped with that. She's even an a-ambassador for them at the Peace Summit, e-even though they aren't part of the intelligent species a-anymore," reminded Harbin, the cold causing his jaw to shake.

"True, and her human sister is able to come to those as well. But, in reality that has only been for show. Their Councillor Fitzroy likes humans, but the others, not so much. Come on, do you really think they care about the humans? They don't. But anyway, that's not the point of this."

Arland pointed to the snow. "You have this whole place to practice body temperature regulation, breath control, and appetite suppression—by the way, no lunch for you."

It was then Harbin realized how Arland was wearing a thick cloak and thick boots instead of the normal absence of a cloak and thin boots. Harbin wanted to ask for the cloak, knowing fully well that Arland was well balanced with all of his skills.

"This isn't cold enough," Arland complained.

"Not cold enough? Where are we? The north pole?" Harbin rolled his eyes, pulling his arms close to himself.

"The Netherlands. Enjoying it?" Coach Arland answered, chuckling.

"No," admitted Harbin.

He pulled his arms into his jerkin, trying to keep his body heat.

"I have something I want to show you," Arland told him. He walked a distance away from Harbin, mumbling to himself.

"We're here," he declared, though Harbin had not moved with him, to busy jogging in place to produce more heat. Coach Arland turned to face Harbin. "Are you seriously still trying to warm yourself up? You're a Pyrokinetic for goodness sake!"

"Right, but the village- " Harbin reminded him.

"Is covered in snow. They won't see a thing," Coach Arland assured him.

"Okay," Harbin agreed, happy to create a flame in the palm of his hand.

"But, but, but- you're not supposed to be focusing on that," Arland scolded him. "You're supposed to be doing body regulation."

Harbin's hope of warmth left him. "But I'll always have fire to use."

"Not always. What if you've used up your energy for heat? What if we're in an extreme cold? What will you do then?"

Harbin sighed. "So, how do you want me to do that then?"

Arland smirked. "I've found the best way to get someone to learn a skill is require them to do it by themselves."

Harbin raised an eyebrow in question.

"Adrenaline is the best teacher."

Before Harbin could wonder what that meant, Coach Arland flicked his wrist, bringing flames around the frozen wasteland where Harbin stood.

Immediately, the ice broke, revealing the lake he was standing on. There was a rough circle of water around him and the ice rocked with the sudden force applied on it.

Harbin, who was not prepared for the ground to shift, fell, landing on his left side. His arm reminded him of it's new scar and the pain that it still brought.

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