Kiss or get off the pot

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THIS MORNING BIANCA walked into pyramid between chloe and maddie where she wore a pink aldc sports bra with black shorts

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THIS MORNING BIANCA walked into pyramid between chloe and maddie where she wore a pink aldc sports bra with black shorts. her hair was in a low ponytail that was curled from the previous week.

she was very zoned out while abby talked about last week's competition and since she wasn't there she didn't pay attention to it.

christy was here this week with sarah which confused bianca but she didn't question in and zoned back in when abby started pyramid.

sarah h
bianca, birdie, kenzie, nia, kendall, maddie, chloe

"birdie, you didn't have a solo or anything but i couldn't take my eyes off you in the group. you were also the only one in that hallway not crying like a big baby."

"bianca. you were filming your movie and recorded a song for disney's circle of stars. you not only went out doing dancing and acting in la but you branched out and did singing."

sarah then was revealed at the top for being in the winning group last week.

"this week we will be traveling to intensity dance competition in cleveland, ohio." oh no. that means they're seeing cathy this weekend. "we're doing a group routine contemporary ballet aptly titled 'broken dolls'. you are my dolls, right? people think of you that way. america's sweethearts. but now you're broken, an you let everybody see it."

"we also two duets. the first one is named 'that girls just gotta be kissed'." jaws definitely dropped at that one. abby had just come back from dancing with the stars, ( one of bianca's favorite shows ) so abby definitely has some ideas for this week.

the duet would be maddie and surprisingly gino from cathy's. that caused a fit of giggles to come from bianca as maddie glared at her friend. bianca knew gino liked maddie and that maddie didn't like him so this was very entertaining for her.

"the second duet is bianca." that caused bianca to stop laughing and for maddie to start. "your partner is noah, he dances here you should know him." abby said and bianca pumped a fist in celebration.

she got to do an actual duet with her salsa partner. they are basically best friends at this point so she was definitely excited. "yes! i love noah!" she cheered as all the girls grew smirks "ew not that type of love." she said and the moms began laughing at her face.

the moms were now dismissed and they began stretching for the group. "bianca. you are my only dancer who focuses on ballet. do you have your ballet shoes?" abby asked the blonde.

"yeah i do." she answered and abby motioned for her to go get them. she stood up from beside chloe and jogged into the den and pulled out her baby pink ballet shoes.

she walked back in and sat beside abby as the women began choreographing the first section while bianca tied her ballet shoes on. once done abby added her in two 8 counts into the dance.

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