Girl talk

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IT HAS BEEN THREE months since nationals and they were now about to film the dance moms girl talk with coco jones.

there were three couches set up, kendall and nia sat in one, the ziegler sisters on one and the nolet sisters on the last one and they just started filming.

"hey everybody I'm coco jones and welcome to the dance moms season 5 kickoff special, girl talk. now there are some major changes coming up in dance moms and I'm so excited to sit down with the real stars to get the dirt. kendall, nia, bianca, birdie, maddie and mackenzie will answer questions from the fans" coco said to the camera and after the audience applause she turned to the girls "hey guys."

"Hi" they all greeted. 

"what up? okay so as you guys know I'm a dance moms super fan and last season I got the chance to be apart of your guys christmas special it was so fun." coco said, reminiscing about last seasons special.

"that was awesome"

"thank you so much for preforming you where amazing" kendall told her.

"are you kidding me? so you guys have had amazing dances since then and you just got back from a break right"


"what did you guys do"

"we went to Australia" nia said first.

"we traveled the world literally" maddie added

"we went to europe and australia to do master classes." bianca added.

"it was so much fun we got to go in the eiffel tower and in australia we got to hold koala bears so it was so much fun" maddie said.

"one of them ate some of my sweater" birdie added, making the girls laugh

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"one of them ate some of my sweater" birdie added, making the girls laugh.

"and we got to pet kangaroos" nia added.

"ok so, I have to ask this question that probably everybody is thinking. where is chloe?" when that was brought up, the girls all exchanged looks.

"ok well..."

"we don't really know. she's been doing a lot of stuff on her own with her and her mom traveling but we all contacted her over the summer" kendall explained.

"but no response." maddie said softly.

"and I just think she doesn't really want to hear from us, I guess."

"there's definitely still some hurt feelings." bianca told her.

"it was just sad, because we were all really close, and then all of a sudden, our friendship just broke and..."

"do you guys think she's coming back?"

they all stumbled over their answers but deep down they new chloe wasn't coming back anytime soon.

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