Wild Wild West Coast

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it was another week and bianca once again was not at the stupid. she was kinda of worried she would regress in dance but that was a worry for later.

she was now on the set of austin and ally talking to ross. she had met him at the descendants premiere so she was glad she knew someone.

"hi i'm lauren we just wanted to introduce ourselves." lauren marano smiled as she introduced herself to the blonde with raini rodriquez and calum worthy.

"i'm calum."

"and i'm raini."

"nice to meet you guys. i'm bianca." the blonde said, a bit nervously since she's been watching the four on tv for three years.

"your an amazing dancer bianca." lauren told her.

"you in descendants and on dance moms— your like a firecracker." raini told her smiling making bianca smile back.

"thanks guys, it means a lot. i love this show by the way. been watching it religiously for three years." she told them and they all smiled genuinely at the complement.

"austin's your favorite right?" ross asked smugly

bianca just scoffed at her fellow blonde. "not a chance."

taking offense, ross turned to her fully. "hey! us blondes are supposed to stick together."

the four laughed at him as the director shelley jensen walked over. "alright bianca, they're ready for you in hair and makeup. then you can go to wardrobe."

bianca nodded and waved to the four as she followed shelley to the hair and makeup trailer where she met wendy the main makeup artist and maria who'd be doing her hair.

"nice to meet you bianca. i know you're a dancer and are used to heavy makeup but— wait how old are you?" wendy asked her.

"i'm twelve."

"twelve!" lauren and raini exclaimed as they walked in the trailer.

"you look way older then twelve." wendy told her and bianca just chuckled. "but you're going to be playing twelve or thirteen so very light makeup."

bianca nodded as she got to work. when done maria introduced herself and got to work on bianca's hair. she curled her hair then combed it out lightly. she then pulled her hair into a half up half down and after tying that she twisted it into a bun.

she then followed lauren to the costume and wardrobe department and was handed two hangers and some jewelry. she went behind a curtain and changed into everything she was given.

after making sure everything felt good and fit bianca properly she slid on black high top converse she was given and walked on set

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after making sure everything felt good and fit bianca properly she slid on black high top converse she was given and walked on set. everyone had run most of the episode the previous day so she had a lot to catch up on.

they had run the scene around 10 or so times until shelley felt like they were ready to film. bianca sat in her place on a couch as her tv sister played by brooke sorensen pretended to play the piano while the sound of an actual piano played.

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