I need you

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A/N: This story will be switching between Ryan and Ray's point of view.

[Ryan’s POV]

I knew I would come to regret walking away from the Fake AH Crew. I just didn’t understand how yet. It wasn’t until I was standing in the middle of a fire fight with them that I fully understood how. I was firing off bullets repeatedly at the others, watching my new crew drop like flies. Damn, Ray was sniping somewhere and I couldn’t find him. I spun around quickly in a hurried attempt to spot him. He was always a good shot, and even though he cared for me at one point, it wasn’t gonna stop him from putting a bullet in my head, especially since I was part of a crew trying to take control of Los Santos from Fake AH Crew.

Ducking under a bullet right after I spotted the Puerto Rican, I took off running towards my place. I didn’t know where else to go, I couldn’t go to 636, and I wasn’t about to go see Ray. So, figuring it was better to lay low, my place was better. Pulling the mask off my head, I tossed it onto the counter and went into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pushed food aside and grabbed a beer, setting it on the counter and then dug out food. Because I was here more often than the hide out of my new crew, I kept the fridge well stocked. Taking tonight’s choice of cold pizza out of the fridge, I sat down on my couch and began eating.

I’d apparently been zoning out because I jumped when my phone rang. Standing, I answered it. “Haywood.” I said out of habit. The voice on the other end of the line shocked me, “Ryan.” Ray said, he sounded like he was drunk, or just really upset. “Ray, what’s up?” I asked. “Can we meet up?” He asked. I chewed my lip for a moment. Was this some kind of set up to put a bullet in my head? After a moment, I finally decided to answer him. “Alright, where do you want to meet?” I asked. There was a moment of silence before there was an “I’m on my way to your place” and a click.

Hanging up the phone, I waited for him to knock on the door. Once I heard it, I answered and no sooner than did I answer it, was I pressed against a wall, Ray’s mouth on mine. When I finally had a chance to breath, I took a deep breath. “Ray what’s going on?” I asked, staring down at him. Ray clung to me, his fingers curled in my shirt. “I’m lonely Ryan.” He whispered. “Michael’s got Lindsay, Gavin’s got Meg, Jack’s got Caiti, and Geoff’s got Griffon. I’m alone. I have no one. I had you, but then you disappeared, and I had no one, and I need someone, I can’t stand being-” I quickly cut him off by pressing our lips together once more. If he needed someone, I would be the one he needed, because I needed him.

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