Chapter 6: Fateful Despair

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A disappointed sigh came from one of the people behind the glass wall. "Unfortunately, without telling those students what the research was for ended us up with quite a lot of useless findings, huh? Ensuring safety precautions to make sure that the subject doesn't undergo a complete personality change during surgery was not needed in the slightest. Retaining that is nothing but a hindrance."

"...Exactly," another voice agreed with dissatisfaction laced in their tone. "When I observed him last, he was far too distraught to be the Super High School-Level Hope."

"Some of the subject's personality still remained at that point," a voice came through from the speakers, responding to the last comment. "We have already deleted that personality. Please rest assured."

"Heart rate is normal," a different voice declared.

"All right, open the capsule."

Steam billowed in the air until it finally settled, one person sitting up from where he had been lying for so long.

The sound of modest applause filled the room. "Now that you have been reborn as this world's hope, I christen you with the name of our school's founder, Kamukura Izuru."



His eyes slowly opened, revealing a stark red.


One afternoon, Katsumi and Chiaki stood by the gates of the Reserve Department building. They passed the time on their game consoles but just as Katsumi expected, he never came, despite the countless other students leaving the building through the gates.

Just as I thought. It was wishful thinking.

Earlier that day, Chiaki had gone and asked about Hajime. Apparently, Chisa said he "was fine", implying that there was still a way to get in touch with him, but Katsumi heavily doubted it. As it turned out, that doubt was correct. Chiaki's optimism was admirable, but it didn't change the outcome.

Once the last few stragglers left, clearly showing that Hajime was nowhere to be found, Katsumi put down her game console and placed it in her bag. "Sorry, Nanami-san, I just remembered that I had something to do."

"Oh..." There was a complete lack of emotion in Chiaki's empty voice. "Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow, Hirata-san."

"You too." Katsumi turned around and headed straight in the direction of the teacher's office.

"Sensei, please tell me what actually happened to Hinata-kun."

"Huh?" Chisa had a confused and partially worried look in her eyes. "What... do you mean, Hirata-san?"

"You spent a long time in the Reserve Department, right? So I was thinking you would know."

"Oh... well..." She smiled, appearing a bit nervous. "Hinata-kun's... doing fine. There's nothing to worry about."

"...I'm sorry, but even if you're a teacher, I can't bring myself to believe that." Her blunt words seemed to startle Chisa a bit. "If he's fine, then why did he suddenly stop talking to me and Nanami-san?"

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