Chapter 2.5: Sparks

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(Art by birdfuckery )

(Me: Calls it a .5 chapter but it's actually over 7k words... and has two parts. It's because I dug myself into a hole trying to format these as one chapter per episode 🙃)

I think I say my title, right?

"Nice to meet you too," Katsumi greeted Hajime back. "Um... I'm Hirata Katsumi, Super High School-Level Biologist."

Her eye contact with him was all over the place.

Oh no, what else do I say? Maybe...

"Great!" Chiaki exclaimed, interrupting Katsumi's thought process. "Now that we're done, we should get going."

That was sudden. Aren't introductions supposed to be longer?

"Let's go!" Chiaki grabbed both Hajime and Katsumi's hands, eliciting looks of surprise on both ends before running off to the game center.

Katsumi stared at her surroundings, marvelling at the scene while also feeling horribly overwhelmed. She had to check that Chiaki was in her view every other second out of fear that she'd get lost.

"Here." Chiaki took a box from the shelf, handing it to Katsumi. Judging from the image, it was the same type of game console that Chiaki would carry with her all the time, matching colour and all. "This should get you started."

Katsumi stared at the box for an extensive amount of time as she continued to follow Chiaki.

"Before we check the new game out, I should probably get you some starter games." Chiaki arrived at a shelf, immediately taking out two game cases.

Katsumi took the two, observing the covers.

I have no idea what these are, but this one has something that looks like Nanami-san's hairclip.

Chiaki pointed at the covers. "This one is really forgiving with its difficulty setting and this one, Gala Omega, is an absolute classic! Hinata-kun's played through it five times in a row before."

Katsumi looked at Hajime in slight awe.

Hajime averted his gaze a little. "Well... Nanami's cleared it ten times, so I'm not all that impressive."

"But I've never met someone else who could play that much before," Chiaki said happily. "Maybe, in the future, you'll be able to do it too, Hirata-san."

Katsumi blinked a few times. "Mm... maybe," she mumbled.

I kind of doubt it, though.

"Anyways...!" She hurried excitedly over an extravagant shelf with a ton of fancy signs pointing to it. "Here's the new fighting game that came out. I've already heard a bunch of good reviews for it, so it should be good!"

Hajime stared at the pile of game copies in slight reluctance. "Like I said, I'm still no good at fighting games..."

"You don't sound awfully convincing when you're next to me," Katsumi off-handedly murmured.

"Ah, well, I mean—"

"I think you'll both be fine," Chiaki interrupted, having taken three copies from the shelf. "After all, it just takes some practice to get better. You'll do great!"

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