Prologue: A Hawkins Welcome

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The Warren family had finally decided that enough was enough and did their final case in 1981

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The Warren family had finally decided that enough was enough and did their final case in 1981. The case of Arnie Johnson, or as Juliet liked to call it "the case that nearly took her father away." It was unlike anything they had ever seen before and she never wanted anything to do with it again.

She never wanted to see another day like that in her life it was like time froze the sudden heart attack Ed had shook everyone. So after that case enough was enough. The family decided to pack up their belongings and leave the musem in the care of Father Gordon seeing as it had to be blessed every month they weren't about to bring all of the evil with them when they moved.

Hawkins didn't get many new people moving into town so when word got around that the all too famous "Warren family" was moving to town some people's interests got spiked. What would world renowned demonologists be doing in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana?

They had got a 3 story old house at the end of Mirkwood, when they first pulled up Juliet felt off, the house felt off. It was situated at the end of the street in the woods, she took one look around at them and decided she would never step foot in them. She knew the stories of people going missing in the woods and how if you felt like you were being watched you were.

She wondered how her parents managed to score a house like this seemingly in the middle of the woods of this small town, the house itself didn't even fit the era, it felt closed off an overgrown as if nobody had lived here in years the road ended ...

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She wondered how her parents managed to score a house like this seemingly in the middle of the woods of this small town, the house itself didn't even fit the era, it felt closed off an overgrown as if nobody had lived here in years the road ended itself ended a few yards back up the driveway, if you could call it that. It's like people didn't want others knowing there was even a house back there.

Juliet stepped out of the car looking around not getting a great feeling so she narrowed it down to it had to have had a bad past. She had heard her father mention just on the other side of the woods was the Hawkins lab but didn't elaborate further on why a rural town in Indiana needed a big lab in the middle of the woods.

Judy on the other hand had immediately jumped out of the car at the sight of the house spinning around in a circle looking at all of the scenery she was happy to be at a new place but that slowly dimmed out, with being an empath she could feel the vibe of the place and slowly came to a stop as she looked around. She glanced at her older sister with the same look Juliet had given the place.

Juliet nodded before wrapping an arm around her little sister as their parents called them towards the door to check out their new home. Juliet motioned for Judy to go ahead of her and pick out her room as she hit the top step she paused as she felt like she was being watched she looked over her shoulder at the woods she felt time stop, she was having a vision.

Suddenly the world turned a dark blue grey and it looked like ash floating in the air
She could see something moving in the woods it was big, fast, and had tentacle's.
Whatever it was it didn't like her and how she could see it seeing as it disappeared as quick as she saw it.

She blinked as she felt her mother place a hand on her shoulder "Jules? Honey are you alright?" Juliet looked from the woods to her mother taking a breath and nodded giving her a convincing smile "just thought I saw something is all, probably just a deer mother no need to worry" she said as she walked past her into the house not liking the feeling the woods gave her.

Lorraine looked at the woods with a puzzled look before shaking her head walking back inside closing the door behind her. So they all could start unpacking and settling into their new home and new life. 

None of them would realize the impact this little town would have on them.

Were they ready to experience the newfound horrors of hawkins after already having a close call with Ed?

Authors note:

Hello all, I'm SO pumped for this story! More Updates to come soon!

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