"Weird new girl"

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Juliet felt the need to walk her little sister into her new school since their dad couldn't today just to make sure she got her schedule and got to her first class alright

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Juliet felt the need to walk her little sister into her new school since their dad couldn't today just to make sure she got her schedule and got to her first class alright.

She held the door to the middle school open before walking with Judy to the front office. She smiled at the lady at the front desk who gave them a smile back "hi, I'm Juliet but this is my little sister Judy, we're new and we came to get her class schedule, oh it's Warren by the way, Judy Warren" Juliet said with a small smile.

The older woman at the desk eyes widened slightly at hearing their last name before nodding scooting her chair over to the filing cabinet opening the bottom drawer. She flipped through the files before getting to Judy's and pulled out the schedule and handed the copy to the younger girl "here you go sweetie. I hope you have a good day if you need anything else or anymore help you can come ask me alright?"

Judy nodded thanking "Mrs. Jean" as her nameplate read before turning to look at Juliet "let's go, I have science first period! I love science" she said excitedly as she pulled her older sister out of the front office before handing her the schedule since Julie would be able to find it easier than she would.

Juliet chuckled and nodded patting Judy on the head as she followed her out looking at the paper "room 213, with Mr. Clarke" she looked around at the numbers lining the halls for a moment before nodding guiding Judy to the left hallway seeing the numbers start with 208 down that hall.

They passed a few kids standing in the hall who all turned to stare at the teenager wondering who she was and what she was doing in a middle school. Once they got to Mr. Clarkes class there was only a handful of kids already in there 4 boys stood infront of the teachers desk talking animatedly about some AV thing? She had no idea. She knocked on the door lightly getting all of their attention along with the teacher.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt I'm Juliet but this is Judy, we're new and she wanted me to walk her to her first class." Juliet said introducing herself and Judy to Mr. Clarke and the boys.

"We'll it's very nice to meet the both of you, you sound north eastern are you from up there?" Mr. Clarke asked with a kind smile after hearing the slight accent from Juliet.

"Connecticut sir bit of a small state but Indiana seems pretty alright so far" Juliet smiled back before Judy asked "we're you talking about AV club? Like radios and film? That stuff is so neat" she asked the boys holding the straps to her backpack as she looked at the four of them curiously.

The one with the curly hair brightened up instantly "I- i yeah we're all apart of AV club, I'm- I'm Dustin. This is Mike, Will, and Lucas, would you wanna join AV club too? You'd be the first girl! Not many girls think AV club is cool"

"Yeah! We also play DND too! It'd be nice to have another player for that too if you like the game" Will said encouragingly, Lucas and Mike looking at eachother before shrugging. Inviting her over so they could talk more about the club and DND.

Juliet smiled at the boys being so welcoming to Judy knowing she was scared to make friends. "Hey Jude, meet me out front after school alright? Dad should be back to get us if Hopper doesn't have him doin too much, if not he said for us to walk to the station and wait there."

Judy gave her sister a thumbs up before focusing back on the guys. Juliet gave a wave to Mr. Clarke before walking out of the classroom heading out of the middle school just as the bell rang. She didn't rush or anything as she walked over to the highschool office to get her own schedule and things she needed.

There was a girl there waiting for her with brown hair and big blue eyes. "Hi I'm Nancy! Nancy Wheeler, The office wanted me to show you around if that's alright with you?"

Juliet gave the brown haired girl a smile "hi Nancy I'm Juliet but my friends call me Julie, but yeah that's fine with me! Lead the way" she said adjusting her backpack on her shoulder she glanced down at her schedule "I have English with Mrs. Deaken first period."

"Oh great! We have the same class then! She's a great teacher pretty lenient too. It's just right down this way." Nancy said as she showed Julie the way to the class which wasn't very far down the hall at all, she opened the door walking in first "sorry I'm late Mrs. Deaken I was showing our new student where her first period was." She said to the blonde haired woman.

Juliet walked in behind Nancy and gave the teacher a shy smile. "Come in come in! I'm Mrs. Deaken and you must be Juliet Warren right? My your family has caused quite the talk in the town since you've arrived." The older teacher said causing everyone to look at Juliet.

Juliet let out a small awkward laugh "uh yeah that'd be me, Most people call me Julie though." She said correcting the teacher not wanting to talk more about her family and what her parents previously did for their jobs.

"Better watch out, her family might think your possessed since they deal with all that fake ghost nonsense." Tommy cackled  causing Carol and a few of their friends to join in with the laughter.

"Yeah wouldn't wanna go near the weird new girl and her voodoo bullshit she might just kill you" Carol said smacking her gum as she smirked.

Juliet frowned slightly not realizing that people in this small town loved to gossip and already had assumptions about her and her family when they hadn't even met them yet. Nancy placed a comforting hand on her back and glared at Tommy and Carol for laughing before going to take her seat.

"Hey hey that's enough." Mrs. Deaken quickly shushed the group of popular kids not wanting any issues to arise between them and her new student, she didn't mean any harm by her comment about her family. "Here I'll get you a book so you can get settled in." She said getting up to grab her an English textbook from the back closet. "You can take the empty seat next to Nancy."

Juliet saw the flash of the crestfallen look on the wheeler girls face when the teacher told her she could sit in the empty seat next to her, she hesitantly made her way over to the seat glancing at Nancy before sitting down.

Juliet would never know the amazing redhead who's seat that had been just one year prior, she would never be able to meet the girl Nancy called her bestfriend thanks to the indigents in Hawkins with the lab and the creature.

Mrs. Deaken gently sat the book down on the Warren girls desk before walking back to her own. "Today we're covering the cask of amontillado so everybody open your books to page 384 please." she said causing a chorus of groans to spring out from various kids.

Juliet gave Nancy a small smile as she opened her book to the page the teacher asked, they both didn't mind English but just hoped the class would go by faster it already feeling like a drab.

Billy who was sat next to Tommy in the back of the room furrowed his brow at the conversation that had previously taken place. The girl didn't seem weird from his standpoint, a little quiet and to herself but voodoo?? Carol had to be fucking stupid.

Sure he had heard of the infamous  "Ed and Lorraine Warren" and what they did for jobs the past few decades but that didn't mean he actually believed in all that shit. He just knew now that her dad was the sheriff under hopper. No talk of haunted demon shit.

He wondered if the girl would stick with Nancy and "King Steve" or if she'd break off and join a more different group of friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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