Hawkins High

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*pic of Juliet's bedroom up above, she stays on the 3rd floor*

Juliet woke up as soon as the sun rose it was kinda hard not to with all the windows surrounding her room

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Juliet woke up as soon as the sun rose it was kinda hard not to with all the windows surrounding her room. She had picked the attic as her room seeing as she was the oldest she wanted to be away from everyone and surprisingly liked the vibes it gave off despite it being the attic.

What Juliet dreaded though was her first day at hawkins high. Her stomach was uneasy a new house, a new school, a new town that didn't quite feel normal.

She sighed pulling on her bell bottoms throwing on an orange cow neck turtleneck sweater seeing as it was late October, Halloween day specifically. She looked at herself in the mirror running her hands through her soft brunette hair until she was happy with the outcome she had straightened it the night before not feeling like doing it this morning.

Quickly grabbing her St. Sebastian pendant clipping it around her neck. Her mother drilling it in to her and Judy's heads that it was a symbol of strength and courage in the face of adversity.

"Jules! Breakfast!" She heard her father call out from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" Juliet called back grabbing her worn denim backpack tossing a few notebooks and pencils into it along with a folder her mother had gotten her for school before climbing carefully down the steep third story stairs before jogging down the second floor ones as well, making her way to the kitchen.

She made sure to give her Mom and Dad a kiss on the cheek as she passed them and walked over to the table ruffling Judy's hair as she took a seat across from her starting to eat the pancakes her mother had made.

"Are you guys excited for school?" Ed asked looking over at the girls from the newspaper he was reading. He didn't have to be at the police department till a bit later.

"I'm kinda nervous I don't know anybody here, what if they think I'm weird?" Judy asked shyly causing Juliet to look across the table at her, she reached out gently placing her hand on top of her little sisters.

"If they think your weird so what, normal people are boring Jude's" Juliet reassured her as she finished eating getting up taking her plate and her sisters empty one over to the sink quickly rinsing them off before setting them on the drying wrack.

"We'll come on I'll drop the two of you off at school on my way, I gotta meet hopper at Merrill's to talk about some mishap on the farm with his pumpkins." Ed said finishing his coffee as he stood up pushing his chair in already dressed in his sherriffs uniform.

Ed walked over to the safe and grabbed his pistol and cuffs putting them securely on his belt giving Loraine a quick kiss as he grabbed his car keys.

"You two have fun at school alright? Make some new friends!" Loraine said kissing the girls cheeks handing them their packed lunches as they passed following after their father.

Juliet shoved her packed lunch in her backpack as she quickly put on her doc martens that were next to the front door before rushing out to the ford bronco her dad drove for the police department.

She opened the passenger door before climbing in the passenger side seeing her little sister sitting in the middle seat. Placing her backpack at her feet shutting the door.

Ed waited for the two to get buckled before he pulled out of the drive and headed towards the school. He knew uprooting the girls from Connecticut would take a tole on them. He just hoped after their last scare that this would be good for the whole family for a while.

It was a quiet drive the low voice of bob seger's "night moves" song was playing softly on the radio as they pulled into the busy school parking lot. Juliet looked on warily as everyone turned to look wondering why the new deputy was pulling into the school.

Billy was one of those who was looking on from leaning against his car, seeing the tan police bronco pull in wondering what was gonna happen next.

Though to his own surprise he watched the passenger door open and a brunette teen get out slinging her backpack over her shoulder, before a smaller brunette girl got out as well he assumed that was her younger sister. He could see the unnamed teen say something to the man in the truck before nodding closing the passenger door.

She had to be new as well he assumed by how everyone kept staring at her like they did him when he first arrived three days prior. He watched as she wrapped an arm around the shorter girl who had to be around max's age and walked her towards the middle school.

He smirked and put out his cigarette tossing it on the ground before stomping it out with his boot before making his way into the highschool to hopefully bump into the new girl sooner rather than later.

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