Thirty one.

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Chapter 31.

Third person's P.O.V

"Oh, hello." Taeyeon said.

"Just calling to check if you're doing good?" Baekhyun's slurry voice beamed through the phone.

"Uhm, I'm okay. Thanks?" Taeyeon answered.

"Well, do you know? I'm not doing okay." Baekhyun said with a little laugh.

"What? Uhm. Why?"

"Because I'm a huge fuck up. You know that?"

"Baekhyun you know I can't remember anything. You're freaking me out."

"You know Im actually happy you got into god knows what kind of accident. Im actually happy you have an amnesia."

"Baekhyun you should go home and take some rest." Taeyeon said with a small voice. Baekhyun's words stabs her.

"And do you know? Haha, I thought you're gonna follow Luhan up up in the aaaair!"

"Taehyung's here, I have to go."

"Oh, Taehyung this Taehyung that. Whats so perfect about Taehyung, huh? Why do you like him? Why am I not any better for you?"

"I don't like him, Baekhyun."

"Yeah whatever floats your boat, Taeyeon. Why is he there? You have your kissing session? Oh, I've been there and done that."

"Shut up, Baekhyun. I don't want to talk to you until you're sober."

"Well l don't even want to talk to you even if I'm sober, because all you ever say is Taehyung this, Taehyung that, and you know Im gett----" Taeyeon ended the phone call before Baekhyun can finish his sentence.

"What's with the angry face?" Taehyung said as he sat down on the couch beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon was such in a bad mood she didn't even notice that Taehyung already walked inside his apartment.

"Nothing." Taeyeon scrunched up his face a bit "You hungry? What do you want for dinner?" She stood up and ironed her clothes with her hands.

Taeyeon walked to the kitchen when her knees suddenly felt weak, she stumbled on the floor. Good thing Taehyung is at the restroom.

She was about to start cooking when Taehyung spoke up. "Hey.."

"Oh, hi. Is pasta alright? Haven't got the time to do the grocery." Taeyeon said weakly.

"Pasta is alright. But, is Taeyeon alright?" He asked as he peeked from Taeyeon's back.

"Of course, yeah." Taeyeon smiled weakly "Can you reach the pasta for me, it's inside, uhh cabinet." Taeyeon said as she held on her head.

"Hey, are you alright? Really? Did you take the vitamins I gave you?" Taehyung asked me as he placed the pasta on the kitchen counter. Taeyeon just looked at him with an apologetic smile.

"I told you to take it, right? You promised you'd take your medicine. Now look at you, you're so pale and lifeless." Taehyung said but Taeyeon didn't talk.

"Where are you going?" Taeyeon asked.

"We, we're going to the hospital."

"What did the doctor said?" Taeyeon asked as they drive through the city.

"They told me that you should drink your vitamins or else you'll need to be confined."

"Ah, okay." Taeyeon simply answered.

"And you'll need to eat more, exercise more."

"Fine." Taeyeon said as she texted on her phone.

"Are you even paying attention?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, drink meds eat more exercise yes yes."

"Taeyeon you promised me you'd take your vitamins. This is about your health, this is a serious matter."

"Yes I was really going to take it, but I was too preoccupied with fixing my boxes. And then you came." Taeyeon explained.

"The doctor said you can't go through stress, move too much. Or else you'd faint."

"Maybe I want to faint, and never wake up?" Taeyeon said, making Taehyung stop the car.

(A/N: My chapters are such fillers, this is too tiring. Im suffering from writer's block, please understand it's not easy to put plots into specific words. Please vote! We're close tooooooo................


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