Chapter 30

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Hyunjin had been sitting on a bench in the courtyard for over half an hour now. He didn't know what to do. He thought school would distract him from what was on his mind, but it didn't. Not at all.

As a tear rolled down his face, someone had spotted him under the big tree, where shadows covered his body. The boy walked towards him, yet hesitantly.

Seeing how sad Hyunjin looked, he couldn't just stand by and watch, hesitating to speak, "Hyunjin?" the boy spoke softly.

Hearing his name, he quickly wiped away the tears that were streaming down. He lifted his head and turned to his right—where the voice came from. "Jisung..." he exhaled, slightly relieved it wasn't any of his other friends.

"What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside having lunch?" Jisung asked him.

"Shouldn't you?" Hyunjin retorted.

If he were to be honest, if not for the fact that the boy looked sad, he probably wouldn't have dared to approach him. They're from opposite worlds after all—or rather, that's what he still believed. "I don't eat in the cafeteria anymore," Jisung seemed to be the only one out of his friend group to stick to that ideal—that they're from opposite worlds.

Even though Jisung wasn't alone during lunch anymore, that only lasted for a few days. After only one week, Minjun's parents didn't see the point in paying for their son's lunch at school since it was quite pricy. They lived close by the school, so the boy had to go back and forth during lunch time.

"Why is that?" In these past days that he had been absent, he seemed to have missed a lot. He had absolutely no clue as to what was going on.

"I refuse to sit at your table... Maybe you haven't heard, but, our friends get along fine right now," His friends have always been more social than him. If anything, he thought he was the one holding them back. Not anymore.

Hyunjin really didn't understand why that was such a bad thing. Yet again, he had no idea what was going on. "Is that so bad? Why do you refuse?"


"Because of Minho, right?" Hyunjin had a strong feeling something was going on between them, nothing good but also not bad. "Both of you need to get over yourself, holding grudges won't do anyone any good. Life is short."

Jisung pondered. "... You're right," he said, although the past wasn't even the reason why he refused to sit at that table. Him realising his feelings was.

"Of course I am, I'm always right," he snickered, a smile appearing on his face. "Besides, I know you like him... and since he started hanging out with you I like him again too, he's always been such a dick ever since Jihna happened."

Jisung chuckled mockingly. "She does have that influence, yeah," He chose to ignore the first sentence that came out of Hyunjin's mouth.

"How come you and her are so different?" Obviously Hyunjin knew they were both their own person, he was just surprised that they don't resemble one another even one bit—appearance wise nor personality wise.

The two siblings were practically polar opposites in everything they did or said, especially their behaviour. For the longest time, no one in their class had any idea the two were even related. He thought it was odd it never slipped up. He found Jihna's behaviour towards Jisung, now knowing they are actually twins, very disturbing—she either badmouthed him every second she got or she pretended as if the boy never existed in the first place. He couldn't imagine having that kind of relationship with his own brother.

Jisung had a questionable expression plastered on his face. "Are we?" he wondered. He might have asked Hyunjin, but more so he was asking himself. He was wondering if Jihna and himself were really so different after all. "... If I'd been a narcissistic extrovert, I'd probably be just like her,"

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