Chapter 13

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The next day at school was quite a drag for Jisung. They had all gone home late the previous day so they were very tired, espescially Jisung. The poor boy almost fell asleep during class because of it. Seungmin and Felix weren't having this problem, because for starters; they were smart. They left Chan's get-together early that night to prevent being a zombie this very day. Both of them also had a curfew—but that's besides the point. Jisung had no curfew, he was allowed to stay as long as he wanted to. His mother was actually happy that her son left the house for once. Otherwise he was always occupied in his bedroom.

He cursed in his mind. This had never happened to him before. He was starting to doze off to sleep in his maths class. Now he knew to never leave his room again. Partying wasn't the best for educational matters. His vision began to blur out until his eyesight vanished completely—darkness filled his eyes.

Mr. Choi, their maths teacher, coughed subtly loud—on purpose. "Han Jisung!" he shouted loudly, startling Jisung awake. He sat upright fastly and looked at his teacher who seemed disappointed. Every other student in the classroom had also averted their eyes towards Jisung. "Why don't you explain what's on the blackboard," Mr. Choi had just written some math issues on the board. It was a new piece of theory that none of the students had seen before. He had just only written some things on the board, but he hadn't explained it yet. He only asked Jisung to do so, to make him realise that he fell asleep during his class, and that because of it he wouldn't know any answers—even though he was great at math.

Other students watched him, expecting him to give up, apologise and admit that he didn't know what the teacher had written on the board. Yet, Jisung did none of those things. "It's permutations and combinations. They both have a small piece of theory that needs to be remembered when making exercises. For combinations, numbers can't be repeated and order doesn't matter. While for permutations, numbers can't be repeated either, but the order does matter. Sometimes when making exercises it's none of the two, so beware of trick questions," Jisung spoke clearly as he kept on explaining.

Everyone—including the teacher—were stunned. Mr. Choi hadn't even explained them any of this yet, so how did Jisung even know that? That was what all of them wondered. A few were simply flabbergasted as some were also quite envious. How did Jisung's brain know all of this? Between all of these envious and shocked students, there were also ones who were impressed. One of those was the one and only Lee Minho. He, yet again, realised why Jisung of all people was his tutor.

Jisung looked around himself with sleepy eyes, thus squinting them. "Why is everyone looking at me?" he questioned out loud. All he did was explain some simple math theory, nothing special.

"You really are the biggest nerd out there," Minho said as he let out a chuckle. Jisung squinted his eyes some more to then show a questioning expression—while some in the classroom laughed at what Minho said, obviously agreeing with him. "Mr. Choi hadn't even explained this yet, smartass," Minho cleared up.

"Oh~ Well, I guess I did his job then," Jisung yawned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Han Jisung, that's enough," Mr. Choi shouted for the whole neighborhood to hear. He had never expected his top student to be this rude. Jisung was one of his favourite students. He always seemed so interested during his classes, and he was good as well.

"Yes sir," he spoke sarcastically, while sending his teacher a salute. Jisung wasn't usually sarcastic or rude towards any teacher. His friends facepalmed, for real. Apparently, a tired Jisung equaled an agitated Jisung. "Now, do your job and explain,"

"That's it, Han Jisung. Detention!" his teacher scowled.

Jisung sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say," Jisung exhaled heavily, clearly agitated, yet not caring. He dropped his head back onto his table. The teacher shook his head and went on with his lesson, explaining the others what he had written on the board—which Jisung had 'explained' earlier. Most of them got the hang of it but some were still as bad at math as before. Jisung dozed off and fell asleep once again, until the two periods of math had passed.


As the two hours had passed, it was finally time for lunch. Jisung was still sound asleep, so Seungmin just hit him on the head as he slapped him awake. "Ow," Jisung rubbed his head in pain. Not that Seungmin hit him that hard, he was simply just a crybaby. "What the hell was that for?" he asked them with an annoyed tone.

"You've been sleeping for two hours," Seungmin said. "In your favourite class," Felix added. They knew how he acts when he's tired, but they didn't know it could be this bad.

"I don't care," Jisung said while yawning. He's obviously still tired.

"Well we have lunch now so—" Felix began, hinting that Jisung should get his lazy ass up and go with them.

Yet, Jisung got the better of him and cut him off with a fast answer. "You guys can go on without me, I'm not hungry anyway,"

"Okay Sung, see you in a bit," Seungmin said, knowing that Jisung's stubborn self wouldn't go with them even if they begged.

"Okay," Jisung rubbed his eyes and looked around his classroom, annoyed. He knew he should leave the room, since students weren't allowed to stay in there over lunch break. Yet, he did the complete opposite and let his head fall down again.

The not so quiet thump of his head falling onto the table wasn't left unheard, though. He heard someone walking closer to where he was sitting. He didn't dare to look up. He thought it would be his teacher—who would probably nag about his attitude in class the past few hours—but it wasn't. "What? Little squirrel boy isn't going to eat?" Minho wondered as he approached Jisung, whose head was down on his table still.

"Shut up, Minho. I'm not in the mood for your annoying comments," The blond boy retorted with sass. He motioned his hand, signalling for Minho to leave him alone.

A small grin appeared on Minho's face. He found it kind of cute that Jisung knew it was him just by his voice. "Fine, Hannie." Minho muttered, emphasizing the said nickname. Jisung's head jolted up in surprise as his eyes widened. That nickname again. "Good, you're awake. Go eat with your friends now,"

"Why..?" Jisung asked him. It's not like Minho cared, about anything.

Minho didn't want to say anything rude. Yet, he can't help the fact that his words always come out of his mouth in a rude way. "Because if you keep up being distant, you'll have no friends left,"

Jisung didn't want to be messed with. Especially not today. He got up swiftly and walked closer to Minho's whole self. "And if you keep up with that attitude of yours, you'll be the one having no friends," he said, in a quiet tone.

"I'm secretly just caring about your health, but go off I guess," Minho said with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk on his face.

"Oh... Well I'm not apologising," Jisung murmured swiftly. He wasn't sure if he heard what Minho said quite well, so he didn't say anything on it.

"I don't expect you to," Minho let out a soft chuckle. "Now go~" He dragged out the word 'go' and led the boy to the door. And as they opened it, a small feminine figure was standing behind it; Jihna. She was looking at her brother with a look of hatred and suspicion.

Jisung just sighed and rolled his eyes as he passed by her. He was in no mood for drama. Even just standing beside Minho gave him misery, so he found it best to stay out of his way at school.

How are y'all doing todayyy?? I'm doing fineee, few mental breakdowns here and there but otherwise 👌💁 Got an exam tomorrow so pray for me not to die, unless..
How funny that I'm more active during exam time ✊✊✊

Lowkey tho, I love this chapter oop👀
Also, wattpad wont load some of your comments on the previous chapter so--
I am: SAD

Q; Do you have a phobia? Or have any fears?? If so, what is it?

A; Yeahhh, Acrophobia/fear of heights💀

To be continued ;)

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