Chapter 9

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Thirty minutes into the party at Chan's place, Minho began to loosen up some more and actually started to have some fun. There was a dance floor, obviously, so he started dancing to every song that came on—together with two to three other people.

Something that no one knew, until now, was that he was a great dancer. He was extremely good at memorising choreographies—so it seemed. Minho loved dance. It was a way to express himself without having to use words. It was a way for him to feel free—from others and his own thoughts. Just him and the music.

He then stopped moving his body when sensual music began to play. There was no way he was dancing to that genre of music in front of everyone. He wasn't really feeling it anyway—so he left the dance floor.

Suddenly, someone walked through the crowd around the dance floor and noticed Minho walking to the side—then turning around, probably getting something to drink. She ran after Minho and even called out his name, but it went unheard since the music was quite loud. Seeing no other possibility, she jumped onto him, hugging him as she said, "Ah, babe, you came!" Jihna tried to shout over the music as she clung onto him.

"Of course, I did," Minho said with a smile, trying to sound as his usual self. He wondered why he just couldn't change back to his previous self. Especially in front of his girlfriend. He thought it would just be weird and feel awkward if he behaved differently towards her. After all, she was the main reason he changed into the person he was now. For better or for worse.

About half an hour later, Minho had gone to get two drinks—for Jihna and himself. Jihna was now standing close by the doorway with two of her friends. And as she suddenly glanced over towards the entrance door, she couldn't believe her eyes. She wasn't even paying attention to what there was being said anymore. She rushed over towards the incoming people and gritted her teeth. "What do you think you're doing here?" she shouted, not that the music was overpowering in this part of the house.

Jisung snorted as he rolled his eyes. Of course, the first person he had to see here was his sister. Life didn't go that easy on him. "I was invited,"

She scoffed, not believing him for a second. Who out of the popular's would invite a nerd to their party? According to her; no one. He was probably just here to mock her, she thought. "Oh yeah?" She laughed with raised eyebrows. "By who?"

"Chan," he spoke bluntly. He was so tired of Jihna. She acted like she was his mother, which she clearly wasn't. By far.

Jihna now reflected on why she didn't like Chan, at all. That guy always seemed to go against her and ruin everything. "Well, I don't want you here, so get lost," she scoffed in an intimidating manner. Yet, Jisung was already used to that—he didn't fall for it.

Then, suddenly, Minho came from behind her. Yet, she failed to realise that he had been standing there the whole time, thus noticing her being the mean girl she actually was. He didn't exactly say anything. He just kind of glared, unknowingly.

"Like I said, sis... You don't own me. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want," he said with an extra hint of sass, waving his hand right in front of her face as he left her side. He walked away and went to get a drink for himself—his friends slowly following behind him. Minho chuckled at Jisung's cute behaviour but it was unable for Jihna to hear because of the music. The slight grin that showed on his face didn't go unnoticed, though.


A few hours had passed and Chan was now saying goodbye to everyone whom he had invited to his party. Only his close friends—and the lovely Jihna—stayed coped up in another room as they wanted to hang out some more. As Jisung, Seungmin and Felix were the last ones getting ready to leave, Chan insisted that they should stay a bit longer. The three boys all shared glances at one another, and decided to stay. Why not? they thought.

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