Chapter 5

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Minho was sat at his desk inside of his bedroom. He was frustratingly doing his maths homework, which wasn't going all that great. He had skipped the rest of the school day, not feeling up to it. After lunch, he just immediately went home. His friends just frustrated him so much, he didn't want to be in their presence. Jihna had also sent him a dozen messages, which he had ignored. Her petty and clingy behaviour was starting to annoy him.

He needed some alone time, which he knew wouldn't last very long since he had a tutoring lesson in less than ten minutes. For some reason, he looked forward to it. As strange as it might sound, he wanted to see the face of the person he couldn't stand, which was Jisung's.

He also wondered from time to time as to why their relationship had become like this. Especially as to how it turned out like this. Even though he knew half the answers to that, he still wondered.

His thoughts got interrupted as he heard the sound of the doorbell. He walked out of his room and downstairs—without second checking how he looked like. He opened the door and saw Jisung standing in front of him. He couldn't exactly see his face because it was covered by a pile of books. He took half of it, helping the boy out.

"Thanks," Jisung heaved a deep sigh of relief. He nearly dropped everything on his way to Minho's house. He then met eyes with Minho, who looked very different than what he usually appeared to be. He was wearing normal cosy house clothes, his hair was messy and, "You wear glasses?" he questioned. Never had he seen Minho wearing glasses so it surprised him.

Minho mentally facepalmed himself. How could he be so stupid to forget wearing his lenses? "Fuck," he whispered to himself. He knew there was nothing wrong with wearing glasses. But it was yet another thing he had in common with Jisung. He was used to hiding his true self inside of his home, and he wasn't used to being tutored, so his mind kind of forgot about his looks.

Jisung honestly couldn't care less if Minho wore glasses or not, it wasn't such a big deal to him—but he was sure it was to Minho. He just didn't let it bother him and changed the subject. "Okay, so... tutoring, let's get started," he spoke as he stepped foot inside.


"We've been over that for hours and I still don't get it," Minho groaned. Jisung was teaching him the basics of statistics and it wasn't really going that well.

"Come on, you can do it!" Jisung tried to encourage the boy. "Let me take a look at your homework sheet," he questioned Minho.

Minho's eyes widened as he just realised he hadn't even finished his homework. Frustrations had filled his mind so he just couldn't focus on doing it. "I'll be right back," he said as he stood up and left the living room, heading upstairs towards his bedroom as that was where he had left his papers.

When he got his papers and walked back into his living room, he slammed them onto the table with an irritable sigh. Jisung looked at his homework sheet and knew there was something off. "Minho... is everything okay?" he wondered.

"I was just frustrated," he sighed. "Math is the last thing on my mind right now,"

"I understand... everyone has their off days," Jisung said. He knew Minho wouldn't be able to get all of the things he had just taught him if his mind wasn't really paying attention to it. "You know what, I think you need a break," He stood up, Minho's eyes slowly following him. "Get your ass up, put on some decent clothes and wear your lenses... We're going out,"

"Wha— I think you forgot, but—" Minho began as he was still kind of confused.

"You don't want to be seen with me, we're not friends... blah blah blah, and I don't care," He retorted while slightly rolling his eyes. He let out a sigh and took ahold of Minho's hands, pulling him up on his feet. "You like the mall, right?"

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