Chapter 7

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The first day of school was better then Jungwon expected it to be.

He met a Japanese exchange student that went by the Name of Riki.

They quickly hit it off; considering Riki kept pestering Jungwon. But in a freindly way.

That led to them exchanging numbers.

The only other number Jungwon had in his phone was his mother's, sisters and Jay.

He didn't think he'd ever add to his numbers list; considering he didn't have any other freind then Jay.

'Or Ryujin but she's his sister so he didn't think that counted.

Jungwon did get lost alot considering their school was huge. but like Jay promised he helped Jungwon figure his schedule.

In his first period class he was approached by one boy who went by then name of Sunoo.

Sunoo was very freindly and had a bright light like energy that seemed to draw you in.

Sunoo mentioned he had two cousin's that went to this school. One went by the name of Sunghoon; and the other was Sunghoon's half sister.

She went by the name of 'Mina'

"You shouild Join us for Lunch they'd love you!"

"Their kinda quiet like you; but I'm sure it'll be fun! Mina might adopt you! she basically already adopted Riki" Sunoo paused to catch his breath.

"Riki if you know is one of the only other Japanese kid's at this school.

Jungwon nodded trying to keep up with Sunoo's fast pace of talking.

"When Mina saw him she was really happy to find someone to embrace her Japanese roots with"

"Her father is one of the only other Japanese person she know's"

Sunoo then added that both his cousin's had a similar mole placement and both did sport's.

They seemed really close.

If one didn't tell Jungwon; he'd assume their all siblings considering how highly Sunoo spoke of them both.

Sunghoon was a Ice skater training to get on the Olympic team.

Where as Mina was a professional ballet dancer. Jungwon recalled Sunoo telling him this.

Sunoo then went on talking about some family 'drama'

Saying his Aunt ended up getting a divorce; due to their family being suspicious of her husband cheating.

"And he WAS!" Sunoo added exaggerating the 'was'.

"He cheated on her with his co worker!" Sunoo said

When their conversation started to wrap up Sunoo added his aunt is now happily married to Mina's father.

"He owns a Japanese restaurant somewhere in the Down town Daejeon"

"Your always welcome to come over for a free meal; your really fun!" Sunoo happily geeked at Jungwon.

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