01. alone

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"john please there has to be something you can do!" the brunette girl pleaded as she rushed after an older blonde man that held a clipboard in his hands "i-i'm just a little behind because i'm in between jobs right now, b-but i swear-"

"you've missed two payments nini," john said sharply with a sigh "it's the third month, i can't let it go this time."


"look," he sighed, turning around to face her "i'm sorry. but i've got other people that need the space."

nini scoffed, folding her arms "what about me?! i have nowhere to go!"

"don't you have a boyfriend you can go to?" john asked in confusion

the girl's stomach flipped and she brought her hand to her jacket, hugging it around her body firmly to cover up her skin as much as she could

"h-he's got too much on his plate right now...and i can't burden him with this." nini said "please just let-"

"i'm really sorry nini, i am." john said with a sigh "but i can't do anything else. my hands are tied."

nini sighed in defeat as she looked down, hugging herself tighter before john took a deep breath

"i'll-give you a day or two to get your stuff...sorry again."

she watched as he walked away before she turned around and made her own way to her trailer.

entering it, she saw the minimal amount of her belongings scattered around, plates and cups in the sink that needed to be washed and her clothes on the mini-couch.

it wasn't much, it wasn't ideal, but at least she had a roof over her head...and now she doesn't. she ran her hands through her hair in frustration, racking her brain as much as she could to find any sort of solution she could find apart from the one she didn't want to end up with.

the thought of maybe having to resort to living with gabe was probably one of the most haunting ones she'd ever have...she already had to deal with him every other day, yeah...she could handle that. nini learned how to after years of it...but every minute of every single day? that couldn't happen. she couldn't resort to being trapped in his possession.

she grabbed a huge bin bag, stuffing as many belongings she could find into it before sighing to herself. what was she going to do?

nini had spent the entire afternoon trying to pack, the little hall of the trailer being filled with bin bags as she stood at her table, stuffing her microwaveable, finished food boxes into another bin bag before walking out to the sound of the darkness lit up by the lampposts of the trailer park.

the girl walked down out the gate, turning right to head over to the alleyway where the trash bins were with silence surrounding her.

she looked around, seeing the broken windows of the apartments and scraps scattered on the ground as the wind of the night whistled passed her, her footsteps echoing with every step she took.

as nini arrived to the bins, she heard a loud sound of glass shattering further down the alleyway, swiftly turning around as a sudden, small gasp of fear escaped her mouth.

the sound of murmuring whispers and harsh thuds continued down that way, nini slowly taking a small step forward to try and see past the wall what was happening until her eyes widened at the sight.

there were three men; two in black leather jackets and one with a grey hoodie, his hands up in the air as the leather-jacket-wearing men pointed their guns at him.

"like we said. shipments are missing." a tall, raven-haired man said as he firmly held a grip on his weapon

"is that so?" the defenseless man asked with a hum

"don't play that shit."

"i already told you. i don't know where they went."

a bitter laugh sounded around the darkness, leaving nini to shiver as she watched one of the leather-jacket men speak

"we have proof, lorenzo. don't be foolish."

"you know what rule boss has when people cross us? better yet when people betray one of our own?" the raven-haired man asked, preparing his gun

"you get rid of them." the other man with the gun replied

the sudden loud sound of gunshots filled the air and nini's jaw dropped in horror as she watched the man with the grey hoodie fall to the ground, blood pooling around him on the road

the shock and terror immobilized nini and she dropped the bin bags she was holding, catching the two men's attention as their eyes landed on her.

she held her breath as she quickly turned around, running as fast as she could away from them with their sound of fast-paced footsteps just behind her.

nini sprinted down the abandoned roads, turning anywhere she could find to escape and save herself before she halted in her tracks when she arrived at a dead end.

"shit." she breathed quietly "shit shit shit—"

she turned around to run the other way but stopped abruptly, now taking her steps backwards as she faced the two men.

they both had their guns away in their pockets, walking slowly towards her and breathing heavily

"p-please don't kill me." she said desperately "i-i swear i'll pretend like i didn't see anything just leave me alone."

the raven-haired man laughed "you think we're a couple of rookies?"

she swallowed, shaking her head before bumping into the wall, closing her eyes in defeat. this was it. this was how she was going to die.

"let's take her with us." the same man added, but the other looked at him in confusion

"but boss will-"

"he'll want to know everything first and we can't just leave her here so,"

nini stared at them blankly "wait what?"

"come on."

"i'm not going anywhere with you guys." she said with the most firm voice she could bring out of her "y-you'll just kill me."

"believe me, if we were sure we wanted you dead we would've killed you right there and then the minute we cornered you." the raven-haired man said with a smirk

nini looked back at them "...i-"

but before she could say anything or escape, she felt them both grab ahold of her arms and drag her down the road, towards a huge black car that was parked hidden behind old boxes and bins.

and at thar moment, a part of her deep down knew that her life was never going to be the same...

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