02. first impressions

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nini jolted up from where her head was resting against the black-tinted window of the car at the feeling of a sudden stop. she blinked a few times to gain focus before remembering where she was and who with.

she looked around her before suddenly feeling the door beside her in the backseat open up, revealing the same raven-haired man she'd seen previously in the alleyway.

he held his hand out with a light smirk "we're here."

nini swallowed and looked down at his hand, but ignored his help as she got out of the car on her own.

the man just nodded "okay then. just trying to be a gentleman."

he quickly shut the door and nini scoffed as she hugged her clothes around her "you just killed a man, you're anything but that." she muttered under her breath

the man behind her must've heard, because he chuckled as he walked behind her "you're feisty, i'll give you that." he gestured to the door that lead to some sort of warehouse "come on,"

nini stumbled a bit when feeling his hand lightly touch the small of her back. she didn't flinch though...she managed to control herself. then, hesitantly pushed the door open to enter a dim-lit hall with wooden floorboards.

there was muffled chattering further down the hall and nini gulped as she continued her steps down the hall until arriving at the entry to a large room with wooden barrels, tables and chairs occupied by all sorts of leather-jacket wearing people either drinking or talking.

as soon as someone noticed the unusual presence of the brunette girl, it fell to a quieter talk. whispering, even.

the raven-haired man didn't say anything, he just grabbed the girl by the arm and she winced, biting the inside of her cheek as he pulled her further into the room.

nini glanced around at all the staring...she felt like a fish out of water, surrounded by all these (what she presumed to be) dangerous people. it made her suddenly want to only look down at the ground, so she did.

"hey, red, where's boss?" the raven-haired man asked a red-haired man who had wide eyes and a beer in his hand as he looked back and forth between the man and nini

"uh-dude, who's this?" red whispered "i know you like to sleep around but like this is a whole other level—"

"oh, shut your damn mouth. she's a witness." the man shrugged

nini clenched her jaw as she kept her eyes down, trying to yank her arm out of his grip, but he held on tight and gave her a wink

"nice try." he grinned before returning his focus to red "so?"

"oh!" red exclaimed, remembering the question "um, he's a little...preoccupied...right now."

the raven-haired man rolled his eyes "tell him he can shove his tongue down porter's throat whenever he wants—"

"you tell him that. i, on the other hand, choose life."

before ej could move forward, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of people that were all looking at nini with intimidating stares

"who's the chick?" a man smirked. a look that made nini want to throw up inside.

"not now, danny."

"she a spy?"

"where'd you find her?"

all the questions kept being thrown in all sorts of directions, nini swallowed nervously before suddenly there seemed to be the sound of a chair being pushed back, which was somehow powerful enough to draw the sound out of the room.

nini kept her eyes down, but she heard footsteps. slow footsteps approaching her until they were just far enough away to see the black boots just out of her eye-line.

the room was tense.

the oxygen levels decreased in the air, the room grew warm and nini could hear her heartbeat in her ears, pounding.

"hey, boss." the man beside nini said casually

there was silence for a few moments and then the man spoke "ej. what's this?"

his voice was low and quiet. seemingly calm which made nini even more frightened than she was before.

"well, we had lorenzo. and got him. but...we had company." ej replied, lightly pushing nini to stumble in front of her, causing for her to be a foot away from the man.

she could feel the man's eyes boring into the top of her head, she could sense he was tall, but kept her eyes down and suddenly he spoke again

"is he dead?"

ej nodded "yes, sir."

there was another pause and the man hummed "good."

suddenly, nini felt a rage inside of her build up, boiling through her veins and rushing around in her blood as she suddenly lifted her free, left hand and slapped the man in front of her across the face.

gasped erupted around them and she finally had her eyes on him. the man had his head to the side from being slapped and he slowly turned it back to face her.

nini was breathing heavily as her eyes met his deep brown ones. they looked as though they'd usually hold no emotion, but she could see was angry.

he had curly brown hair and his jaw was clenched as he took a deep breath, staring back down at her.

"you're a monster." nini whispered

the man didn't reply to her, he only looked at ej and gave him a warning look "take her to the compound."

"wait-what?" ej asked bewildered. people around them seemed confused too, but nini didn't understand.

"you heard what i said." he told him simply "take her to the compound. i want her in a readied room when i get back."

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