PART 1 (Dark destiny?)

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In a black night with air fogged with mist, a girl ran with her full speed to save herself.



Leaning against the tree, she took a deep breath to calm her anxious nerves. She turns back to see find no traces of anyone near by. All the road was empty, with the darkness and the trees sending chills down her spine. She turns forward and lets out a loud gasp when the same creepy lady whom she had been trying to save herself stands in front of her with evil smirk.

"Your destiny is very dark. I can see the darkness storming in your future"

"A Raakshas is waiting for you. He will cage you and make you his forever. He will kill hundreds of people just for your sake, just for you. He will become more vicious and will not hesitate to even destroy the whole world for you."

"You will unleash the hidden Raakshas in him."

"You look like Real Fairy but you are going to be encased inside a demon's cage."

"You will never be able to break out from his cage."

"You will be known as a demon's caged fairy."

"You will be 'HIS'"

"His curse will break. Raakshas zaroor bahar aayega. Voh puri duniya mein pralay layega tumhaare liye."

The creepy woman chanted it again and again like a holy mantra laughing like maniac while the girl's whole body was shivering with fear. Her feet were turning cold and she was unable to move. She closes her eyes tightly in fear.

"Nooooo!" her voice echoed in the entire room while her eyes shoot open. Her hand fly up to her throat as she sat up.

Riddhima put her hand on her chest, which was pounding so hard as she dreamt the same dream once again.


This was getting strange and scary for her by each passing dream.

Who is HE? Whom was the lady in her dream is talking about?

Which curse will break?

Is she really gonna be caged?

She gasps at her implications. The first few times she had been scared too, but soon, she forgot her fear since she couldn't remember anything except from the voices from her dream.

But now, she was getting concern at it. In the beginning, she used to disregard her fear with the explanation that it was only her nightmare.

But now things started to turn out different. That dream started coming again and again, almost every night, scaring the hell out of her.

Leaving out huge gasps, she picks up and gulps away the whole glass of water. Rubbing her heart, she feels her heart being relaxed after sometime.

Coming into her senses, she cups her face with her small hands which was all sweaty due to her nightmare.

Sighing, she puts her thoughts aside as it had now become her daily routine. Removing the duvet, she swings her legs from the bed. Running her fingers through her black and long lustrous hairs, she stands up to get fresh up for the day.

Getting ready, she moves down and sits in the hall. She looked at the boundaries of the hall. She sighed looking at them. They were not just boundaries of the wall but of her life too. She was never allowed to cross them.

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