PART 8 (Point of Views)

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"Did you go to meet him my precious?" he questions her, making her eyes fly open. She looks at him with heavy breathing. She herself didn't know why she was feeling nervous.

Her eyes grow wider and a low shriek escapes her lips as she sees his eyes changing colours. His eyes change their colour from brown to Tuscany golden. They start to shine as bright as stars. The shine goes on increasing, making her breath get struck in her throat.

Her mind goes blank seeing the sight in front of him. He looked anything but a normal human. All her thoughts vanish as she saw more into his eyes. She could feel all her thoughts were being teleported him through her eyes. She was growing blank.

All her thoughts were vanishing into thin air. She was feeling drawn into his Tuscany eyes. They looked deeper than the troughs of the ocean. The slight dark pupil in between his bright iris was giving him a deep demonic look.

However, instead of fear, she was feeling wanton. She was feeling drawn towards him. A strange pull was being experienced by her into his deep eyes. They were almost caging her. Everything around her vanishes into thin air and she could see nothing but his stars. He was hypnotizing her.

Unknown to her, her fingers tremble and move towards his face. She cups his face, seeing more deeply into his eyes, as if gazing through his soul in her euphoric state. She moves closer to him, still in trance. 

Although the body was hers, she was having nothing in her control. She felt like a Marionette with everything of hers, including her brain in his control. She felt encased, trapped in his beautiful, golden, star-like shining eyes.

Her lips wobble as she feels him doing something on her nape. His cold yet rough fingers were brisking over her nape, doing something to her. She could feel something sharp penetrating into her nape, most probably his nails.

A stinging pain passed through her body. However, she couldn't move. Slowly, darkness starts to consume her. Her mind turns blank and her body starts to lose its conscious. Soon, she felt her eyelids close upon their own will. Those bright shining eyes get branded on her retinas as she falls off unconscious.

Vansh looks at the delicate figure lying unconscious in his arms. 

His flower she was. His precious.

Lifting her up in his arms, he places his delicate figure on the bed. His eyes turn back normal seeing her lying pale. His mind comes out from the control of his demons. Taking a deep breath, he cools himself down.

He sees at Riddhima lying senseless and tears start to flow down his eyes reminiscing what had taken place a few minutes ago. Stroking her hair, he sits beside her, taking her hands into his. He had hurt her.

Disgust towers in him, for hurting his Riddhima. He punches his hand on to the wall in anguish. He had lost his control, once again. Tears trail down from his previously demonic eyes, falling over her.

"Sorry Riddhima," he whispers in her ears, before placing a smooth kiss on her forehead. Caressing her hairs, he moves off from there. Looking at her sleeping figure until she moves out from his sight, he basks in her last remains before moving away from the place.

A dark room with all its lights off had a silhouette sitting in the centre with a table on. He was drinking shots and had a portrait of a lady in front of him. Tears were flowing down his eyes as he saw the portrait. Trying to control the tears, he quaffs down more shots.

He was Deep.

"Our Riddhima is getting married tomorrow Aaru," he says, trying to sniff in his tears.

"You remember, how the three of us used to go to park and she used to be jumping and playing around. She is getting married now. Our daughter is getting married Aaru."

"But you know, he will not be an incompetent husband like me. He will protect our Riddhu unlike me, who failed to protect you. He will never let anyone even think of harming our Riddhu. He will keep her safe," he speaks to the portrait with a satisfactory smile.

Caressing the portrait, he looks on at it with loving eyes. His wife she was, who was his strength and the key to his happiness. Her death had led to devastating changes in him. The man, who never felt that money had anything to do with happiness had become a total money-minded business person.

They had a happy middle-class life with him, his wife and his daughter. He was a dotting father to his lovely princess. But after his wife's death, he had become a ruthless businessman. His views on life had taken a 360 degrees turn.

Sighing to himself, he starts to walk out of the room. Walking helter-skelterly, he pushes open the door of his daughter's room. Pushing it open, he sees his daughter sleeping peacefully on the bed. Moving slowly without making any noise, he sits beside her.

Tomorrow, she was getting married. From tomorrow, he would have no one in the house who would ask him every day to have his food when he would be immersed in work. There would be no bangles sounds echoing in the house. No footsteps running in the garden. No one who would be trying out experimental blunders in the kitchen. There would be no one whom he could see when he remembered his wife. No one who would call him 'dad' daily.

Although he never had time to interact with her, he never forgot to keep a check on how she was spending her time. His love was hidden off from her but that never meant it was not there.

He sees her having a peaceful sleep. Caressing her hairs slightly, he bends in to place a kiss over her forehead. He had a habit of seeing her after she slept off daily. But maybe after today, she would not have that opportunity as she would now not be in his house.

The love and compassion that she would fill their house with would be gone from now maybe. Sighing, he wipes off the last tear falling from his eyes, not allowing it to fall upon her. Caressing her for one last time, he moves out of the room.


To be continued ...

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