PART 4 (Weird attraction)

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The evening scene of the garden was looking entrancing. Everything looked so beautiful, as if bathed in Richness. The beauty of night along with the fairy lights was adding more to it Beauty.

With beautifully decorated golden lights, floral decoration table, it had a huge dancing stage, allowing them to enjoy their time with their lady of the day.

Everything looked so enchanting, as if a visual treat.

A smile adorned Riddhima's lips as she notices the beautiful arrangements. Although she had attended many which were more beautiful than this one, this place strangely had her heart hooked. Her surroundings look more alluring to her than any. It looked like a fairy tale.

Walking with her arm hooked formally into her father's, she walked on as her father, Mr. Deep Shah led her inside the outdoor party being held in the garden. Riddhima was actually used to attending these sort of parties as her father always forced her to tag along with him. Although she never really enjoyed, the daughter that she was, she never refused to tag along.

Her father would introduce her to wealthy, powerful man and let them court her, much to her annoyance. In the initial stage, she used to feel violated but with time, these things stopped mattering to her.

Her appearance always worked but on her pleasure or displeasure, she wasn't sure yet. She didn't know whether she should feel happy for getting undivided attention or squirm for getting undivided attention from unwanted people. 

She is a women of charm, who always managed to become the center of attraction where ever she went. Maybe this was the reason her father never let her go out of the house. The reason why he always caged her amidst the four walls of her house, which never managed to become her home.

Her beauty was really a curse for her. With her beautiful hazel eyes, long black lustrous hairs and her porcelain white skin, she looked like an absolute fairy, lost from paradise.

The garden was soon getting filled with more guests and music with people dancing with their ladies for the day.

She looked at males, most probably business men, who were trying to charm her with cheesy compliments. However, strangely her father wasn't approving them with a smile.

She wondered if her father had someone in his mind for her as he had said that she was getting married' and maybe that was the reason he was not entertaining them today.

She sat on the vacant floral chair with her father when few people came to introduce themselves or catch her attention maybe. She sighed and looked around to see high-class people spread over all the area her eyes covered. 

Unfortunately, she was also one of them. But she never felt happy with it because it only gave her caged life as a virtue.

Suddenly, the lights of the party fell down and the party abruptly became quiet. Pitch darkness surrounded the area.

Soon, a single spotlight fell at the entrance and a young man walked in. His entrance changed the whole demeanor of the party. Whole atmosphere in the garden changes upon seeing him. Their eyes widen, mouths fall open and breaths hitch upon a glimpse of the man. Everyone present there were giving the same reaction.

Riddhima couldn't help but feel shock or maybe mesmerized upon seeing him. He was the same attractive man whom she bumped into and had helped out in the airport that morning.

Despite feeling scared by his aura, she couldn't help but feel attracted towards him. His beauty was unearthly and elegant than anything she had ever seen before.

He had an aura that not only commanded respect but also awakened deep fears and anxiety.

He walked in with so much elegance , as if he owned the place. His suit that was clad so perfectly, gave him a royal look.

Riddhima despite her attraction towards him, was able to hear few gasps that came from the guests. She looked at them and could make out that they were visibly scared of him.

She started to hear people speak in hushed tones.

Although she wasn't able to make out anything clearly, she was able to hear someone whispering Raakshas or maybe she misheard.

As he walked by her, she started to feel her heart beat increasing. A weird attraction was possessing over her heart whenever he was around. He was alluring her towards him.

Vansh too feels something different as he passes by her. It was the same feeling he had got in the airport when that girl was by his side.

Was she here?

No, why would she be here. It is a high profile business party his mind mocked.

Shrugging to himself, he walked to the other side, and started to talk with other business men.

The whispers prevailing in the air a few minutes ago was now reduced or maybe were muted by the music in the party.

Vansh was trying to whole heartedly devote himself to business conversations. He didn't know why but a different feeling was arising in his heart.

It was feeling as if something big is going to take place in his life today. As if the questions whose answers he had been searching since years would finally be found. A different anxiety was increasing in him.

On the other hand, Riddhima too was feeling the same. She had a different feeling. The man was entrancing her into a different realm. He was controlling her mind and body without himself knowing about it.

She was feeling a pull towards him. As if in a trance, her feet on their own start to take steps towards him. With each step, the pull only became stronger and stronger.

As she was two steps away from him, her heart beat increased so did his. Without any pre-warning or information, he turns back while she takes the last step to her destination.

Riddhima sees into his black eyes, that were once again pulling her into themselves. It felt like they were the only trap she would ever walk into willingly to never return back. She was feeling hypnotized by his eyes.


Lost, they were once again in each other's eyes, ending any importance of the rest of the world for time's being.

He was once again being drawn into those hazel eyes. Nothing else mattered to him except him.

Sharing an intense eye-lock, they break it upon hearing a voice. Vansh was internally cursing the person for speaking. He looked up to see Mr Deep, once again.

"Mr Raisinghania, meet my daughter, Riddhima," he introduced with the widest smile he could ever give.


To be continued..

So, what do you think!? Why are they feeling attracted towards each other!?

What will happen in the next chapter!?

Keep guessing.

Will meet you soon with the next chapter.

Till then

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