Chapter Two

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Sophie and Elliott stepped into the hallway it was warm and cosy Elliott placed the case in the hallway then lead Sophie into the lounge.
Elliott stepped inside the lounge not noticing that one of his son's toy trains were left out and stepped on it.
" Ouch"! Elliott grimanced as he held his foot.
Sophie wanted to laugh but that smile soon faded as she felt that dreaded lump in her throat.
Elliott looked up after a couple of minutes and saw standing just inches behind the lounge threshold.
" They're my sons toy trains bless him"! Elliott smiled.
It put the fear of god into Sophie after her own baby Jack died when he was tiny.
" Come on in ...its alright I'm not going to bite come and sit yerself down kick yer shoes off pull them up on the setee while I go and make some coffees hmm"! Elliott smiled.
Sophie was terrified that her trainers were soaked and therefore her socks too when she pulled her trainers off mercifully they weren't.
" Phew .... Thank the lord for that"! Sophie breathed.
A moment or two later Elliott returned to the loumgebqirh two coffees in his hands.
" Oh you really didn't have to Reverend"! Sophie smiled as she had her feet curled up beneath her.
" Please call me Elliott.... what beings you in neck of woods"? Elliott asked.
Sophie smiled at him kindly ....
" oh you know I was getting tired of City life I needed to get away abit of peace and quiet that's what I need right now ... not while I'm sitting here of course"! She smiled assuring him.
" oh so what city have came from then"? Elliott asked.
" London"! Lied Sophie
" crikey that's a long journey its no wonder you're done in Katrina"! Elliott smiled back at her.
Sophie smiled back at him slightly " You said you have a son"!
" hmm yes I do ... Louis hes four .... going on twenty four"! Elliott repiled laughing.
Now sophie laughed.
Things seemed so much nicer and warmer here then they did in Cherlgrove Sophie Louise felt it a cold and hurtful place where everyone can get snapped by a bunch news photographers hiding in the bushes. Sophie instantly felt as if she'd known this young vicar for ages (except she hadn't more like 3 seconds)
Elliott thought to himself " Dear god shes a beauty"!
" Oh so I'm guessing hes clever then"! Sophie smiled sipping her coffee " Thankyou by the way ...for this"!
" Don't be daft Katrina I'd do it for anyone who was in need if help"! Elliott repiled.
" Is that because of you're job ... on the side of being a vicar"? Sophie asked him.
Elliott frowned then smiled sipping his coffee.
" I don't know really .... maybe"! Answering Sophie's question.
" Are you not a believer in God"? Elliott asked.
" Truth to be told no ...not really I am a Christian it's just I don't believe in God that's all"! Sophie told him.
" I bet there was something that made not believe him wasn't there"! Elliott added.
" y..yeah there was but it's a taboo subject for me so I...I don't to talk about it much"!
" Its okay if you don't want to talk about it ... I'm not going to force you into telling me ... I'm not holding you against you're will"! Elliott chuckled.
" Forgive me for saying this ...but you're far too young to be a vicar"! Sophie smiled.
" Thankyou Katrina I'll let you into a little secret I haven't always been a vicar .... I was a police officer before I become a member of the Clergy"! Elliott smiled.
" Good l...lord you do surprise me ... ah I see that explains the fitness then"!
Now she had really made him laugh.
" Y...yes I suppose it does"! Elliott agreed.
" Now how about another refill hmm ... I know I do"! He smiled and gave her a wink (😉)
Sophie was looking about the room when she spotted a corner full of books that were from Thomas the tank.
" I was sort of expecting you to say you were a fancy lawyer of some kind"! Sophie shouted.
" Ooh good lord no can't be doing with all the paperwork me too much hard work besides I'm more suited to this"! Elliott repilwd in his usual cheery Yorkshire tone.
" Tell her what why don't I go and sort out the spare room and you can stay here the night I can assure you Louis won't disturb you"! Elliott smiled.
" Are you sure? I don't want to disturb you're sons routine"! Sophie smiled pulling her gaze to the side then back at him.
" No you won't I can assure you ...besides it looks as if you need a proper bed that dafr thing old thing in the church house isn't much cop ... and I'm pleased to have a bir of Company"! Elliott smiled at her warmly.

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