Chapter Five

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Elliott and Tracey had made to the vicarage the front door swung open and Elliott called out " anyone up" but there was no responding sound back down to him. Tracey shrugged her shoulders and repiled " she must be still in bed ahead was shattered last night bless her"!
Elliott nodded " I know come though and I'll make you a coffee using that fancy coffee machine you brought me"! Tracey followed him though to the kitchen she stood at the opposite end to her brother.
" I know she needs feeding up I know that"! Elliott smiled.

Tracey watched her brother pull the frying pan out of the cupboard.

" oh I know Ells Bells when she arrived at pub I thought shed been caught a blizzard"! Tracey repiled
Sticking the pan on the stove he turned walked and over to the fridge grabbing the bacon he placed the two rashens of it into the pan.
Tracey liked Sophie she even thought of the sister that she dreamed of having if ever Ells Bells married again she doubted that would happen anytime soon because currently he was trying to get rid of the spider that was trying to capture him again Elliott was having none of it Claire cheated on him and to him that ended their marriage instead of choosing to be a mother to her now 4 year old son she chose a man over her husband and baby son (at the time) . " Have you managed to send the divorce papers off yet Ells Bells"? Tracey asked him.
Elliott just wanted to get back to normal for him and Louis and until he sent them back he would never be free from the current Mrs Bellringer.

Just then tracey and Elliott stopped what they were doing because theyd heard a noise coming from upstairs they guessed it was Sophie getting up. In fact she'd been up for sometime but she just wanted to stay in bed, besides Elliiott liked having her there at the vicarage they both knew that she couldnt make this perement thing because that would have been risky and ridiculous because it was Louis's home and elliotts too, the last thing that Sophie wanted to do was confuse the poor lad and make him think hed got a new mummy.

Sophie started to sing .....

Elliott had never heard anything like it she had the voice of angel though he'd never fared tell her that he was gar happier when she was around then he was when no one was there with him.

Life was a constant battle for Elliott in his head being a single patent he couldnt afford the childminder fees so it was lucky he had Tracey and the Isabella lane.... the nursery teacher.

Elliott knew he only eyes for one woman and she was upstairs on his landing in the vicarage.

He didnt think that it was for a village to decide who he should be with.

When sophie thought about it she probably didn't even think that Elliott was back from the church yet and Tracey was still downstairs but if she listened to closer ... they were definitely in.

Sophie thought " oh shit they're in they've probably heard me singing..... crap"!

Back downstairs in the kitchen Elliott got busy cooking the bacon butty for Sophie he front kind cooking for her though he probably guessed she would have told him he didnt have to.

Even if she tried to fight the feeling that she looked Elliott more than she did her own husband .... her own ' cheating bastard' of a husband.

Sophie thought " what do I care now? If I do have an affair its Katrina thatll be having it not me I'm past caring about him"!

Elliott thought " I'm past caring for what claire feels she doesn't think about me nor Louis she didnt care when she cheated on me so why now? I have a job to do look after Katrina (Kate) and  protect her she had no one to protect her.

Sophie took a deep breath and descended the stairs she was still wearing one of elliotts old black t shirts. She was tallish with long limbs not quite as tall as Elliott, she practically bounced down the stairs as if were a bouncy ball her long  blonde hair bounces with her it was long if she left it down but she couldn't see it this morning maybe a good job. She was on the last step now, she bounced over that and then walked though the lounge into kitchen at first Elliott and Tracey didn't notice her at first.

Tracey saw her out of the corner of her eye ....

" Ey up lass ... morning"! Tracey cheered.

Sophie smiled silently

Ells bells turned ar the sight of her and his heart thumbed as if it were a war drum he was smiling at her now.

" Ells Bells look whose ere"! Tracey smiled.

Elliott couldnt hold back his smile " morning Katrina sit down"!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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