Chapter Three

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The two of them stayed there for quite a while talking about chatting amongst themselves.
" Your sisters very sweet"! Sophie smiled.
" Yeah she is .... although a little on the bossy side"! Elliott added.
" she said that you were the best at drivin"! Sophie inquired.
" Ah see! She's good at this ... telling porkies"! Elliott smiled.
" Are you saying you're sister lies"? Sophie asked in mock shock.
" Yes I am"! Elliott winked at her again.
" ooh that's harsh even if you are nice looking vicar ... and i thought vicars were meant the truthful ones"! Sophie giggled.
" hmm we are ... on occasion"! Elliott repiled lifting his chin aloft.
" so you're telling me now you're allowed to tell a little white lie"! Sophie added.
" Again ... only on occasion"! Elliott answered playfully.
" you know something i think you're the nicest vicar I've ever been fortunate enough to meet"! Sophie added.
Sophie yawned.
" Ooh excuse me"! Sophie stretched adding.
" don't be daft you're shattered I'm not surprised"! Elliott offered.
" Thankyou E..Elliott"! Sophie repiled.
" you're more than welcome... theres no need honestly like insid I'd do it for anyone even if they're mightly rich I'd still do it"! Elliott reasoned.
" even if it were The Queen I'd do it"! Elliott continued.
Sophie drained her mug of coffee then placed it back on the coaster.
" I doubt that she has palaces everywhere"! Sophie smiled.
" ah see! You can be rich as a queen but when the crunch comes to it what happens then hmm"! Elliott added.

A few seconds later he came back another load of coffee.

" Much of these and I shan't be able to sleep"! Sophie grinned.
Elliott couldn't leave her he was to in love with her trouble is he was still married to his wife.
" actually it's kinda of a long story how I ended up here"! Sophie admitted
" oh how"? Elliott asked
" my husband was having an affair with a tart in his office"! Sophie told him then continued " oh don't tell anyone else"!.
Elliott repiled smiling " no not a word they won't hear a word from me I can promise you that"!
" ohh goodness me ..... time for bed I think I've got busy day tomorrow at the church"! Elliott added with a yawn.
Standing there he turned to her held out his hand.
Sophie Louise smiled " Thankyou Mr Bellringer"!
" I've told you its Elliott this time he stepped closer to her ear his breath was warm against her cheek"! Sophie momentarily closed her eyes to savour the warmth of his breath in her cheek.

Sophie opened her eyes and she was still staring up at him. Elliott he still was holding her hand " God forgive me .... me and Manners"! Elliott smiled.
Sophie giggled "  hehe, there is nothing wrong you're manners"!

Elliott smiled and lead her out of the lounge and opened the stairgate and he held out his hand in a gentlemen like gesture ...  " ladies first"!

Sophie began to climb the stairs unbeknownst to her of course he was looking at her shapely bottom.

Sophie felt completely whacked she'd just arrives here in Little Loste and even though the young vicar had opened the  Church house for her he thought it best she stay at the vicarage for one night.

Sophie was st the too of the stairs when she turned and waited for him on the landing.

" You don't have to wait for me"! Elliott smiled at her.
Sophie gave him one back and acknowledged him " no I want to"!
Elliott couldn't stop the thumbing heart beat in his chest he was certain that it was because of her that it was beating so fast.
For a tall man he was very light on his feet Sophie was struck by how gorgeous he was his t shirt shoes off his toned arms. " my god I can't be attracted to this man ... his gorgeous"! She thought to herself.
Again, unbeknown to her Elliott had the same thought " God help me shes a beauty I'm in love with her"! He thought.
His stepped onto the landing Sophie felt his arm brush against her and the shot straight up her arm.
Sophie walked across the landing to the spare room Elliott followed her in.
Elliott flicked back the devert cover and turning to her he smiled " Come in yer get"! Sophie climbed into bed with her clothes on, elliott noticed that she was wearing her running clothes.
" you can't go to bed you're running gear ... let me go and find you an old T shirt of mine"! Elliott offered.

Sophie through a meek but shy smile.

" Thankyou Elliott for this ... for giving somewhere to stay for the night I know I should've gone to the church house but you couldn't let me go into the freezing cold Church house"!
Elliott repiled " no no! You're right it is freezing cold and its pouring with rain you have nothing with you but the things you brought with you .... I'm hardly going to let go into there .... now wait there and gis me five minutes and I'll go and find yer one of my old t shirts .... that you won't feel quite as comfortable"!
However he felt about her now it was purely a professional basis and he couldnt see her go into that church house when its freezing cold and it has to heating system.
Elliott crept back across the landing and into the master suite where he slept. Rifling through his old t shirts he pulled out a black t shirt. He carried it across the landing and back to her and into the spare room.
" Here you go ... I'll leave you to get changed now Oh the portable heaters there if you get cold"! Elliott smiled.
Sophie smiled meekly " Thankyou Elliott"!
He smiled again this time his smile reached his bright blue eyes just like Sophie's had " Goodnight Katrina"!
Sophie smiled again " Goodnight Elliott"!

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