Chapter Four

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Next morning it was 7am and Elliott had to get up with his four year old son Louis George Peter Bellringer. Elliott woke to the sound of his alarm clock on his phone. Groaning he reached down to grab his t shirt from the floor and he was half naked. Yawning he flung back the covers and putting his glasses on he went to the door.
As he stepped out onto the landing he wondered " I wonder if Katrina's okay"! Everytime he thought of her it brung a smile to his face he stopped half way to his sons room he felt a tug to go and check on her a little voice was yelling him to go and check on her, " go and check on Katrina elliott go on Lad if you're this worried about her"! Elliott diverted to his sons bedroom door to go to the spare room door. Creeping across the landing to the spare room he placed his hand on the handle pushing it down he popped his head about the corner smiling to himself he quietly shut the door behind him and headed back toward Louis's room.

Opening the door to his son's room Elliott crept in and swung the curtains back. "

come on now son ... wake wakey time for play school today"! Elliott smiled.
Louis groaned " Mornin daddy"!
Louis stuck his arms out for his dad.
Elliott smiled " come on then .... he lifted him " aww you're getting heavy"!

Elliott's hair was tousled as was Louis's.

Elliott carried him downstairs Elliott half Hood that Louis didn't spot the suitcase at the bottom of the stairs.

Opening the lounge room door Elliott set Louis down on the comfortable huge comfy couch it was blue.

" how about some Thomas the tank shaped toast eh buddy"? Elliott asked him.

Louis nodded excitedly.

Elliott sent back into the kitchen when he grabbed the bread from the bread bin and popped into the toaster.

He leant down onto the kitchen counter looking out of the kitchen window he saw the church house. He thought of her instantly his guest who was sleeping in his spare room.

" I can't just throw her in there"! He thought.

Shaking his head of the thought the toaster sound crashed into his thoughts. It was rare that someone as beautiful as his guest was could so much as touch the depths of his heart .... however Sophie had managed to.

Grabbing the Thomas the tank shaped cutter from the draw he cut the shapes out then put them on the plate. Still piping hot.

Carrying it into louis looked his daddy and said " Daddy come and watch Thomas with me pleaseee"!

Elliott rolled his eyes.

" Alreet then only for few minutes though because we've gotta get tou ready for nursery"! Elliott reasoned.

Louis loved play school so he didnt protest.

Instead he snuggled into his dad quietly munching away on his Thomas toast. Elliott remembered how he used to do this with Tracey when they're dad was unwell and he  take care of the housework and get Tracey off to school.

After 2 hours of thomas Louis had finished munching away on his Thomas toast and thomas had finished.

" Come on then budd ... Time to get ready for play school"! Elliott smiled.

Louis squealed quietly....

" yayyy"!

Loyis leapt off the sofa and ran to the stairs again Elliott hoped that louis didn't notice the suitcase at the bottom of the stairs. Elliott knew that Louis wasn't stupid he was 4 going on 45.

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