Chapter One

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Sophie Louise mayhew has escaped her home and ran to place that she knew and hated as a kid .... Yorkshire. Arriving in the village of Little Loste she sees nothing of it because its pitch black.
The taxi driver pulls up outside the pub in the pouring rain. " Get yerself inside lass"! The taxi driver instructed her.
Grabbing her car she wheels it into the pub where shes met by the local barmaid.
" Eyup Lass what're you doin standing there? Yer look frozen come on sit yourself down there warm yerself up"! Smiled the barmaid.
The barmaid went back behind the bar to make the stranger a nice cuppa.
" Ere get that down yer ... on the house"! The barmaid spoke again as she was collecting glasses.
" yet lucky I was just about shut up for the night"! The barmaid smiled.
Sophie thought she was beautiful she had long dark chocolate brown hair and blue eyes blue as the ocean they were.
" Yer look frozen me lass .....where in heavens name have you come from"? She asked sophie.
Sophie answers " L...London"!
The barmaid shook out her hand " I'm Tracey! .... Tracey - Green - Bellringers"!
" what's you're name of you dont mind me asking"? Tracey asked her the stranger that sat there frozen though.
" Katrina ... my names Katrina Stewart"! Sophie lied.
" Well Katrina let's see if we can get you somewhere warm to stay the night eh ... let me give me brother a ring he'll know of somewhere"! Tracey smiled placing a warm hand on Sophie's shoulder.
With that the barmaid now known as Tracey whipped back into the back room where there was a snug where other people could sit if they're wasnt any room in the bar.
Tracey picked up the phone and started to dial the number of the vicarage where her brother lived.

(One,two,three rings out)

A mans voice answered...
" Eyup Ells! I've got a young woman ere shes frozen though shes been on the road all day by the look on her ... the poor lass ... do you know have any place where she could stay the night"? Tracey asked her brother.
" Hello Miss Bellringer what can I do for yer"? Her brother asked her.
" Ells first heavens sake I've just told yer"! She whispered.
" what's her name"? Asked her brother.
" Katrina.... Katrina Stewart"! Tracey replied continuing after a breath " Ells you should see her I I daresay shes not eaten in what 42 hours"!
" Alreet then sister I'm going to open up the church house"! Ells smiled over the phone Tracey could hear it in his voice.
" Bring her along and I'll meet you out front right"! Elliott agreed with his sister.
Tracey came off the phone and went to Sophie " You're in luck my brothers found a place for you to stay"!
Sophie breathed a visable sigh of relief.
"Come on I'll take you ... hes only up road"! Tracey smiled.
Grabbing her car keys she grabbed Sophie's case and wheeled out it was pouring with rain. " oh heck"! Tracey handed sophie Louise her jacket to shelter herself from the stray drops of rain that were falling hard now.
" Get in"! Tracey invited her.
Sophie climbed in the passenger side seat and shut the door and belted up.
Tracey - Green - Bellringer climbed next to her setting the keys in the ignition then drove off down the hill.
Sophie sat there with her hands in her lap she looked across at Tracey and smiled " You're a really good driver"!
Sophie couldn't believe that she had found friends so quickly little Loste she wasn't sure what she was going to make of the vicar Traceys brother.
" Ah nah I failed by test three times before I passed .... Ells Bells is far better than me ar drivin"! Tracey hooted.
" No that cant be true"! Replied sophie smiling back at her.
" We're nearly there don't worry sugar"! Tracey assured her.
Tracey was going down the hill now when the rain was hoigingbit down Tracey couldn't see clearly thought her window screen.
" Oh bloody hell"! She cursed beneath her breath.
Tracey pulled her car up outside the vicarage Elliott was standing outside keys in hand he was holding umbrella.
" Stay here while I get the case out of boot"! Tracey smiled.
Sophie couldnt help but wonder at the brother she had ever seen a more handsome vicar he was certainly young relatively young she guessed probably the same age as her thirty - two or maybe thirty - three years old.
Tracey lugged Sophie's case out of the boot and put it down on the ground. " ooh"! She sighed.
Sophie opened the door to climb out the passenger seat, Elliott stepped foward and sheltered her with the Umbrella he had been holding.
" Katrina this is Elliott Bellringer my brother .... or should I say Reverend Elliott Bellringer"! Tracey introduced Sophie to her brother.
" Elliott this is Katrina Stewart the woman I told you about on the phone from pub"! Tracey went on.
" Its a pleasure to meet you Katrina"! Elliott smiled stepping forward to shake her hand.
" See you told you you'd be in safe hands .... anything you need at all you get Ells Bells to give me a tinkle"! Tracey smiled coming foward to give Sophie a big hug.
" Will do"! Sophie replied.
Both Elliott and Sophie stood there to watch Tracey safely back up the hill.
Tracey beepeed her horn.
" Come on lets get ya inside yer must froze"! Elliott smiled.
He securely lay arm about Sophie's shoulder and lead back up the path and into the house.
Sophie was freezing, " ere that's far too heavy for you ... let me"! Elliott took the case from Sophie

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