Chapter 3

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Layla enters the compound conference room, where she has called upon and gathered, the rest of the team-the Avengers.

"Thank you all for coming."  She says scanning the group.  All eyes are on her as she stands in front of the large conference table, a screen ready to be shown, directly behind her.  She catches eyes with Tony, and, as usual, notes his hostile stance and stoic expression towards her.

Stifling a smirk at his predictive nature, Layla continues.

"I'm here on behalf of Thor..."  She begins.  "I think all of us know that Thor has a brother...."

Steve looks around the room briefly at the members of the team, realising that they've all become so familiar with each other, that they know the ins and outs of their lives-like one big family.  All except Tony, who, he once again notices, is blatantly scowling at Layla during her speech.  Turning back to her, he focuses on what she is saying, deciding to pull Tony up on his behaviour later.

"You're also aware of the incidents that have been happening over the last few weeks." Layla continues.

The screen behind her comes to life as she presses a button.  She steps to the side so that everyone can see and stares intently at the images.  Shot after shot of destruction, battles, alien life forms attacking innocent people, and, sadly, death.  As the final scene fades out, she notes the reactions of the figures around the table.  Sadness and anger fill the room.  Tony looks down at the floor, unable to meet Layla's eyes.

"If you've not already worked it out-both Loki, and these incidents are connected.  Loki isn't in control of his mind right now...."  Layla trails off, looking to Steve for his input.

"So Loki has been brainwashed in some way?"  He asks.  Layla nods.  "We're going to need to capture him and get him the help he needs right?"

"Yeah basically."  Layla confirms.  "All of us are needed on this one.  But, especially me.  I've told Thor I'll take the lead on this, and I want to do that.  I wanna kick some Asgardian ass!" 

The silence is deafening, and Layla notices Steve turn to look at Tony, who still refuses to look up and meet anyone's eyes, especially hers or Steve's.  Looking over at Natasha, she sees her nodding and smiling in agreement, and that's enough for Layla to smile back, knowing she has at least one team member on side.

Walking out of the conference room, with her head held high, Layla knows she can do this for her friend and his Brother-with or without Tony Stark's say so.

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