Heart's Breaking Again

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Kiozumi's POV
Inuyasha is now dead and Raku has most of the Jewel Shards. I can now leave that in his capable hands and return home.

(Time Skip; to the palace of the North)

"Mother! Father! I'm back" My voice echoed of the halls and was filled with excitement.

I walked down the familiar halls of the place where I grew up in. Suddenly being harshly pulled out of memory lane my nose met the smell of blood and it was coming from my father's personal study.

'Oh kami, please no. Please not them, please let them be ok.'

'I'm sure that he just eating so raw bloody meat in the study. You remember how whenever we came back from playing outside he would always have raw meat in there to share with us as a treat? Hehe well we did just come back inside, so maybe that's it.'

My beast was equally scares but tried to put a positive spin on it but I just ignored her, my fear had consumed and had made me run towards the study with to care for grace or elegance. I could now see the elegant mahogany doors that lead to my father's personal study, I pushed myself to go faster then usual. I burst into the room to she my mother laying face down in my father's chest and my father laying on the floor, they we dead.

My mother's once beautiful elegant silver hair was now stained red from her blood. Her favorite kimono was stained as well. My father's once proud handsome face that was always filled with happiness was now filled with sorrow and grief. He had tear stains on his cheeks. His long white hair was laying around him in a puddle of blood that stained the once snow white hair a deep crimson red color.

"NOOOOO!!!!" I screamed with all my might.

Who would have done this, it made no sense. My beast was fighting to be let out and at the moment I didn't have the strength to keep her in. I also didn't want to this was her way of grieving and I wasn't going to deny her. Once she was out our body started turning into our true demon form. After the transformation had finished we looked like a giant snow-white dog with a electric blue star on it's head. Since we was female we were bigger then the males for size. Since I let my beast have the control I was sent to a part of my mind that looked like a room with no light anywhere, that's where I sat down and started to morn the loss of my parents.

Mitsu's POV (Mitsu is the name of Kiozumi's beast)
I saw our parents dead on the floor. I wanted to find whoever did this and make them pay in the some of the most painful and agonizing ways ever know to man and demon.

I fought and demanded to be let out and Kiozumi did nothing to stop me, not that I blame the poor girl. She just remembered about her family only 2 years ago and now they were gone but this time they weren't coming back. Once our body had changed I burst through ceiling and howled into the night to warn whoever did this, that their end was near.

When morning came I returned to the palace and went to the family bedroom which was big enough for all three of us to fit into and be in our true demon forms but it wasn't crowded it was still roomy. Now though the largeness of the room made it feel lonely and sad. I curled up on the bed and whimpered for our recently deceased parents.

All I wanted to do now was fall asleep and never wake up.

Short I know but hey two in one night! HURRAY!!!!!!

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