The Betrayal

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Kagome's POV

As I kept walking the feeling got stronger, soon my heart was telling me to go back but my soul was telling me to keep going.

I had no idea of what was waiting for me at the end of this search for the cause of this strange feeling so I started thinking of all the things it might be. What I saw I wasn't prepared for. I saw Kikyo and Inuyasha making out. Instantly I regretted coming.

"Inuyasha, I love you so much."

"I love you too Kikyo. I don't even care about that cheap knock-off of you, I'm just using her to collect the jewel shards so we can be together sooner."

Everything stopped, the world faded from my view all that was left was Inuyasha and I, all I could hear was his words repeating over and over again in my head suddenly all sounds stopped and all I could hear was shattering.

It was my heart, my heart was shattering because of what Inuyasha said.

After he said that they started kissing again, I stumbled quietly away until I was out of ear shot than I started to cry and cry hard, I ran all the way back to Kaede's.

Once there I saw everyone was getting ready to eat but when they saw me they all rushed over to try and comfort and find out what was upsetting me so much. So I told them and  Miroku had to hold Sango back to prevent her from going out, finding Inuyasha and giving him the beating of a life time or just plain killing the bastard my best guess was the second and that one was also my favorite. 

"How is ye heart child?" asked the kind and caring Kaede.

"I'll be fine, my heart just hurts a bit."

"Don't worry Kagome, we will put Inuyasha in his place and teach him a lesson he soon won't forget." Miroku told me with an angered face.

"Thanks Miroku." We then stopped talking and heard Sango in the corner sitting saying "He will pay for hurting my sister, he will not escape my wrath." I smiled because even though Inuyasha hurt me in a unforgivable way all my other friends were still there for me.

While we were eating the rabbit stew that Kaede made I was making plans to leave the group and collect the remaining shards of the Scared Jewel on my own. That's when Inuyasha came back. Everything was silent except for the occasional crack of the fire, everyone had their eyes on him except me I couldn't stand to look at him for what he said.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

After he said that like he did nothing wrong, I realized this must have been going on for a long time for him to sound that calm. I was holding back the tears but some slipped out, Shippo being the amazing boy he is came over to me and just hugged me while rubbing my back.

Inuyasha tried to come closer to me but Miroku and Sango both put a hand on one of his shoulders holding him back from coming any closer. While Kaede just stood in front of him. He was now confused then Kaede started speaking.

"Inuyasha what does the word friend mean to you?" She said with a stern voice that was not to be argued with.

"It means the ones that I care about more than anything."

"Then why did you say 'I don't even care about that cheap knock-off of you, I just using her to collect the jewel shards so we can be together sooner.' to my sister, Kikyo? Why did you say those things about Kagome when you just said that a friend is the one that I care about more than anything?"

While Kaede said this Inuyasha slowly put on a look of confusion that soon was replaced with a shocked look. When he didn't reply Sango took him outside and tied him to a tree.

Once she got back I told them my plan and Sango told me where I could find other demon cats like Kilala so I wouldn't be alone and would have some protection. So we all agreed that I would leave at the break of dawn.

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